I will be heading to Toronto on Tuesday so I wanted to give you one last post for you secret blog readers that don't comment before I go. If you like Julie Andrews feel good movies, I would recommend you go see T he Princess Diaries 2 . I saw it a while back and thought it was alright for what it was. Stargate: SG- 1 brought to mind a conversation I had with Deuce about how it and Andromeda both are filmed in Vancouver so crossover with the actors wasn't surprising then I made a comment about Smallville. Well, this week Erika Durance who will be playing Lois Lane this season guest starred! It was kind of freaky for me but also expected considering the above reasoning. Teal'c getting an apartment isn't too interesting nor is Carter's love life but merge the two plots and they had something there. I was very pleased. Stargate Atlantis seems to be pulling out many "thinking man" episodes early out of the gate, no pun intended. What I mean is that they are n...
Whatever opinions or views I wish to share, now including my new life in the great state of Maine, will appear here. Lucky You...