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Showing posts from November, 2006

Christmas Time is Here

Though the media has tried to push Christmas upon us since even before Halloween, I finally succumbed yesterday. I actively play Christmas music and even started my shopping yesterday. (I know. Wow!) The knee recovery is progressing. I'm now in phase 2 of the physical therapy. Phase 2 isn't all the different from the first one except I can bend my knee past 45 degrees. (In fact, I can bend it all the way to 90!) Did anyone watch the James Taylor tribute on PBS last night? That was the best tribute I had seen since the Bob Dylan one in '92. (OK, the Johnny Cash and John Lennon tributes of a couple years ago didn't totally suck...) My one problem with it was they used up David Crosby, Sheryl Crow and Jackson Browne on one song instead of spreading the wealth. My problem with the John Lennon tribute was neither Paul or Ringo was there. I think Paul would have been nice here since JT first signed with Apple Records but the line-up they had was great. Like the Dylan tribute,...

Thanksgiving Blues

So, we didn't go away for Thanksgiving this year as I came down with an intestinal thing Tuesday night spending about 42 hours straight on a "porcelain cruise." Thankfully, I was able to eat a little something on the actual day and was feeling well enough to preform my duty as greeter this morning at church. Woo Hoo! Lately, I've been keeping busy revising databases. I noticed about a month ago that the All Creatures Great And Small page only had the two stars, Christopher Timothy and Robert Hardy, appearing in thirty of the ninety episodes. Why the hell wouldn't James Herriot appear in a show about James Herriot? I mean one or two episodes maybe but over fifty? In any case, I starting submitting corrections and I noticed last night that someone else has been doing the same bringing the numbers up to fifty-something now. Even more recently, I've been working on applying labels to the archived posts on this here blog. It seems I've taken many quizzes over ...

Don't We All Need A Change?

Hope you enjoy the new template. I hadn't changed it in awhile so there we go. Today was our church fair complete with lunch, raffle and silent auction. I bid on a David Ortiz plaque and a Manny Ramirez poster. The bidding on the plaque got too steep for someone you has little income (Who'd pay 45 bucks for that?) but the poster may yet be mine! My local branch library is looking for a part time reference librarian. I received a letter today informing me that, while I'm still in the running, the search has been reopened due to the feeling the deadline for applications was too soon. I choose the pessimistic view that I'll do but they'd prefer someone better...(Truthfully, I basically wrote their collection development policy for a class and live only a block away.) I just love the first sentence of the second paragraph: You are The Hermit Prudence, Caution, Deliberation. The Hermit points to all things hidden, such as knowledge and inspiration,hidden enemies. The ill...

And Now, Something Completely Different

Recently, I finally finished one of my birthday books. Yoda: Dark Rendezvous , written by Sean Stewart, overall is the best Star Wars book I've read in quite some time with three really engaging lightsaber battles but, to be more accurate, the last 100 pages was the best Star Wars novel I've ever read in my life. Yoda has always been one of my favorite characters and the dialogue/interaction between him and Count Dooku was really good . Obviously, since most novels take place after the movies, they can't have the old Jedi Master in them but I was really hoping here to get more of him here. What species is he? Why is he the only member of his race ever even mentioned? What about the rest of his backstory? No answers to any of these questions were present here. While it's impossible to skip the first 230 pages, I do recomend this novel to all those who didn't dislike the storyline of the prequel movies and to those who miss reading Star Wars novels that don'...

And Now, PT...

I had a physical therapy consult yesterday. She wanted me to stop one of the exercises I was doing as it could haerm the incision area if done wrong but added 4 more. Some I'm supposed to do 2-3 times a day while a few I only do twice. I can actually bend my knee somewhere between 30 and 45 degrees now without pain. Woo hoo! (Well, obviously I can't with the brace on...) Not my next appointment which is Monday but the one after that I have to go in Wednesday at 7AM! Since I have to wear sweatpants anyway, I'm thinking of just going in my pajamas... In other though not really different news, I've been getting a lot of attention due to my brace when I've gone out in public. So far, it's just been guys who can relate to knee problems and not hot chicks so I'm not really liking it...

Knee Surgery Recovery Update

I went in for my post-surgery check-up yesterday before doing my patriotic duty and voting. I have no idea what exactly he did to my knee during the examination but that hurt like hell. Then, the med tech came in with my new brace and to remove my stitches and I had a panic attack. I had my leg up on the table with no brace and she needed me to stand up to fit the new brace and I couldn't move my leg! It was so embarrassing. The new brace is different in that my knee can now be bent to 20 degrees instead of being completely straight all the time. Also I don't have to wear it at night. I may have mentioned this already but I now can put weight on the leg and am taking less medication. I have also started doing two isometric exercises. The doctor wants me to call for a PT consult as soon as possible and gave me a schedule on how he wants the therapist to proceed: starting light and getting more intense over the next three weeks. I can't believe I answered all the quest...

Knee Surgery Recovery Part 2

Nothing really new to share so here's a quiz: Which Classic Story Role Do You Play? - You Are The Wayward Heart "Feel Better." You are best described as 'Emotional Support'. Anytime an emotional issue comes up or something stresses people out, you are there to help them feel better about it. Whether you are the prankster of the bunch, the funny one, the wild one, or just the shoulder to cry on - your traits favor what it takes to keep people going. You like large groups of people and have many friends. When something hits home for you, however, you have a hard time with it. You also have difficulty paying attention or focusing on one thing. Above all, though, if people are happy, you are happy. Take this quiz ! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Could my boobs be any bigger?

Recovery From Knee Surgery Part One

As some of you know, I had knee surgery bright and early on Monday morning. (Actually, it wasn't bright as the sun wasn't up when we left the house that morning.) I was home by lunch. Thursday was the first night I slept in my own bed instead of a cot in the living room. It was also the first night I slept through the night but I won't gross you ladies out by explaining why. The first two days or so, I was entertained by watching the first season, or introductory miniseries, of The 4400 which I bought with birthday money. It's really too bad it was only 5 episodes...I've also been reading birthday books but I write more after I finish one. Today, was my first shower and man was my hair nasty! Yesterday, my father rented The Sentinel . That was a very good movie in that it was very fast moving. It was also good in that Eva Longoria didn't exceed her grasp...