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Showing posts from March, 2007

Sponge Bob No Pants

Last night, we took a break from He-man and the Masters of the Universe to watch House . During a commercial break, they had a Burger King commercial where we see a man stand up from his bath asking his wife or girlfriend to guess who he was with a sponge on his head. She gives up and he reveals he's "Spongebob No Pants!" The narrator then talks about the new Spongebob Squarepants toys now available. Excuse me? I swear society has gone down the toilet...

Letters, Colleges and Something Else I'm Sure...

For those readers that wanted a bit more detail about my job search, let me give you this little tidbit: I've recently spent a bit of time trying to get letters of reference for a library job at a private school here in town. At first, it seemed like a bitch frankly but once I, at my mother's urging, decided to take the fact they didn't specifically ask for professional references literally, it went much smoother; as it was, two were professional anyway... My college really needs money for expansion as they've been inundating me with mail and phone calls. Once they started calling, I gave in and gave them a small donation as it's really the right thing to do. I joked with my cousin that it was the closest I'll ever get to talking to a young college co-ed... Meanwhile, while this fund push is going on, the school president resigned. Apparently not because of a scandal but it still kind of irks me I had to read about it in the newspaper. Some department, whether i...

Shiny Happy People With Job News

After a successful, problem free trip with my cousin to the mall yesterday, I discovered through an e-mail from I was offered a substitute reference job in West Hartford! They had to wait until I moved, didn't they? Anyway, I wanted everyone to know I have several logs on the fire so overall the move was good as I'm now getting usable bites which I wasn't in CT. Still no concrete jobs yet but people actually call me! In more fun news, we watched VH-1 Classic's (Yes, we get that channel.) unedited live broadcast of the 2007 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony. I've blogged before how I've hated the hatchet job VH-1 has done to it in past years so this was totally awesome. If I had to guess, Aretha Franklin two songs and The Ronnettes' three will probably be cut to one each. I had REM's "Man on the Moon" stuck in my head all day yesterday. One of the best parts was Patty Smith performing her mother's "favorite song." Ther...

The Hits Keep Coming.

I've tried hard to blog about good things that I've gone on in my life lately but, frankly, it doesn't make good reading so let me tell you about The Elevator Incident. Thursday, after our internet and phone was fixed, we went out do do an errand and go to the local coffee place. This was the first time we had done that together by ourselves since my move up here. (I'd done it alone but my roommate/cousin is in a wheelchair so snow drifts had been an issue.) Everything was going well until we returned to the apartment building. The elevator was broken. It didn't move. All it did was open and close the doors. Remember, one of us is in wheelchair. Our apartment is on the second floor. See the problem? Problem 2: it was after five in the evening. The answering service for the office was apparently in California. Our maintenance guy was on vacation or something so his replacement, though very friendly and helpful, was not as familiar with our building. (Would things hav...