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Showing posts from November, 2007

You Missed Me! (I'm Telling You That You Did.)

Music- "It's All Over Now"- The Rolling Stones I had to shut the cat out to actually get this post out. I'm catnip... The Sunday before last, and I can't believe I forgot to write about this previously, I went with my aunt, her co-worker and my cousin to see a stage production on the life of Henry W. Longfellow. It was held in the little theater on the second floor of Portland Stage. It was good but you had to pay attention the way the story was presented. There were three performers: Longfellow and a man and woman who are other characters as needed and sometimes act as narrator or Greek Chorus if you will. I liked it. Thanksgiving dinner at my parents' house consisted of us, my uncle and grandmother, who I drove up with, and my aunt so it was a small but good group. Friday before my grandmother and uncle drove back, my uncle, father and I watched the classic Paul Newman movie Cool Hand Luke . I'm ashamed to say I'd never seen it before. Great movie. F...

Think Of Your Own Title

Music: "Faithfully"- Journey Here's a quiz: MISSING: Josh Was last seen trying to make a molotov cocktail 'What will you last be seen doing?' at Here's another: Which Famous Artist Are You? You are Vincent van Gogh. You were troubled at an early age and your art showed it. You're still in a growing stage and much of your brilliance and bottled up expression has yet to be revealed. Keep at it and you have the potential to become one of the greats. Find Your Character @

It Was Snowing Earlier!

Music: "Driver's Seat"- Sniff'n The Tears First, let me describe my final day at work before the holiday. I went, did a little ILL and then, when really nothing was going on, I went home. While I'm writing an important, or at least possibly important e-mail, that I don't want to discuss right now but may later, I get a call from my pastor who is also an adjunct faculty member. She needed help finding some material and wondered if I could come back. So I do; after finishing the email, of course. When I got there, she gave me the list of books she wanted to find and made me tea and a plate of animal crackers. I actually found most of the books in our collection and was able to request the others through ILL. This was the first time I had done that for a patron, although I had done it for myself, so it was kind of cool on a certain level but all this trudging back and forth has made me a little tired. Thankfully, I can rest tomorrow... I close on a personal note....

You Knew I Would Eventually

moar funny pictures Ok, it got cut off but you get the point.

Another Book Read

I just finished one of the books I received from my birthday. Maybe I have been reading too many Star Trek books lately but Act of Treason by Vince Flynn was a totally awesome book and his best book to date. Remember when I discussed his last book, Consent to Kill and given what happened in that book I wondered where Flynn planned to go with the series? I'm still not entirely sure as this book could be considered a transition book on at least two fronts but I will say this book was even more awesome in that Flynn gives Irene Kennedy, DCI in his books, certainly not a background character anyway, a bit more to do than he has in the past. I hope this continues. The biggest thing I enjoyed about it though was the villains of the piece for series protagonist Mitch Rapp weren't Arab terrorists as they have been pretty much starting with his second book which really kicks off the series. (His debut novel, Term Limits , was more of a stand alone novel though it was made clear in th...

Just Wanted To Post A Quiz

Baseball: I Was Happy, Now I'm Pissed.

Yesterday's announcement of Dustin Pedroia winning the American League Rookie of the Year was totally awesome, especially considering the vote of the Baseball Writers of America takes place before the playoffs begin. He deserved the honor even more so after. Today's announcement of C.C. Sabathia winning the American League Cy Young Award upset me. The Indians pitcher was neck and neck with Josh Beckett most the year yet the final vote, which also took place before the playoffs, apparently was 119 points to 86. Maybe what happens in the playoffs should be considered. Beckett was far and away the better pitcher during October. Hell, his own teammate, Fausto Carmona, pitched slightly better and he ended up fourth in the voting. Even if Beckett still didn't win, the vote should have been much closer than it was. Once again, Boston doesn't get the respect it deserves. Simple as that. On a completely unrelated topic, I found a new internet radio station specializing in Class...

And Then There's Books...

Last night at dance I finished reading a trilogy of Star Trek books. Technically it's a two volume set and then an addendum or "missing piece" of the story I suppose you could call it. It began with The Eugenic Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh Volumes I and II which takes place in the latter 20th century and incorporates real history into this story supposed by an early Trek episode. (I love old science fiction shows and movies that take place in "the far future" of 1987 or in this case, 1996.) The author, Greg Cox, through these two books, successfully in my opinion, makes it entirely possible that genetically engineered superhuman warred against each other during the 1990's without the average citizen like ourselves noticing. There were not just Trek references in here but references to other things pop culture-wise such as The Stepford Wives and even the Marvel Comic character "Black Panther." The three books had Kirk, Spock and...

Busy Weekend # 1232

you are cadetblue #5F9EA0 Your dominant hues are green and blue. You're smart and you know it, and want to use your power to help people and relate to others. Even though you tend to battle with yourself, you solve other people's conflicts well. Your saturation level is lower than average - You don't stress out over things and don't understand people who do. Finishing projects may sometimes be a challenge, but you schedule time as you see fit and the important things all happen in the end, even if not everyone sees your grand master plan. Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively. the html color quiz This weekend I went with my cousin/roommate and his mother to a science fiction convention in Springfield, MA. It was so much fun. The guest panel was mostly female which is OK with me but, as occurred to me last night, the age range was pretty diverse. I saw talks/Q&A sessions with ...