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Showing posts from November, 2009

One More For November

We're down to our last piece of pie and we're tossing the turkey carcass out so I think Thanksgiving 2009 is finally over. It may have actually ended when my parents went home on Friday but whatever...Yes, my parents came down and we had the dinner upstairs in my aunt's apartment. It was just the five of us. On Wednesday, I tried once more to get my ID replaced. They were open this time but I forgot to put my birth certificate back in my bag. Because this was a replacement, they had the address on file but I couldn't prove I was born here. Yes, I was born here then but I'm not now? Do terrorists have time travel tech to change this? Anyway, the saga continues... This is my first Christmas using Pandora. I have some thoughts. James Taylor's cover of Joni Mitchell's "River" is the most boring version I have ever heard but it perhaps is the only male version I've ever heard...Apparently, Louie Armstrong put "What A Wonderful World" on...

More Thoughts By the Numbers

1. In case you missed my raving about the movie, I so enjoyed Pirate Radio . What do you get when you mix the hilarious Brit writer Richard Curtis, of Vicar of Dibley , Love Actually , Notting Hill and 4 Weddings and a Funeral , and music of the '60's? This gem. Go see it! 2. I'm thinking I should try the DMV again tomorrow as I have Wednesday and Friday off and Friday is Black Friday which may be scary being the mall and all. I'm still curious where my ID went in the first place... 3. We're having Thanksgiving up at my aunt's apartment. In attendance will be my aunt, my cousin (The one I live with not the one I can't stand), my parents and myself. The menu sounds traditional... 4. Finished reading Tess Geritsen's The Keepsake recently. After a break with The Bone Garden we're back to the Rizzoli/Isles series. I think the break helped. While the other books weren't bad by any means, Gerritsen added a bit more action to this time around which ...

Updates and Commentary

1. It's been almost a week since the same sex marriage law was shot down. I'm not totally pissed about it as I was as, you know, time heals all wounds or what not but I still am a bit irritated. There was a discussion about it at the seminary today on how for many opponents it was the word "marriage" that did it for them. The only openly gay student present responded she wanted the word. I can't say I blame her. I noticed this argument a long time ago, however. I was in Boston when thie issue was discussed there and in Connecticut when it was discussed there (Actually, it was just civil unions there at the time and then later became marriage...) and this was the first time I noticed the civil union option wasn't poo-pooed as well. I love how Bishop Malone still claims his opposition wasn't about discrimination. Isn't denying a group the right to do something that everyone else is allowed to do the very definition of discrimination? 2. Wow. Carrie ...