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Showing posts from August, 2014

Today's debate: DC vs. Marvel

The controversy blowing up the internets right now is which is better: DC or Marvel comic movies.  This was exacerbated the other day when WB made the apparent announcement that the DC movies won't be action comedies (Like the more popular of the Marvel movies) but stay with a more dramatic tone.  (Case in point hardcore DC fans like the Green Lantern movie even less than the average movie goer...) Then there's a third group (Seemingly headed up by DC groupies) that wonder why we can't get along. I personally am a fan of both but let's face it, liking two sides of anything literally equally isn't likely or even likely possible.  To that end I've been pro-Marvel since I was like 6 years old. I watched both SuperFriends  and Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends but liked the latter more. Truthfully, with my admitted bias, it holds up just a bit better to this day. On the other hand, Marvel has not put out a cartoon of Justice League 's quality since. (Yeah...

Long Form Tweet(s)?

Since I last posted, I've seen 2 movies (Well, in the theater anyway...) 1. Lucy with Scarlett Johansson was an interesting and entertaining movie. So what if people technically already use 100% of their brain and nothing interesting happens? In a recent post, I profesed my enjoyment of the new summer TV series  Taxi Brooklyn  which is based another Luc Besson film. I'd imagine that that movie is very similar to Lucy . This movie is an odd combo of serious and silly. While the aforementioned NBC series seems to balance this well enough, Lucy can't seem to. Oddly, my brain didn't feel like mush as it does after pretty much every Michael Bay movie.  (The Transformers series can't decide what maturity level to target. Does that mean maturity and tonality are different things? ::shrugs::) 2. The second film of the summer from Marvel Studios, Guardians of the Galaxy , had a tonal mix as well but did a spectacular job in the balance department...and soundtrack depart...