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Showing posts from November, 2015

AKA A Blog Post

I was on a blogging break when Netflix dropped the awesome Daredevil TV series but I will briefly say that was 1000 times better than the movie version of the character starring Ben Affleck and his future, and now past, wife, Jennifer Garner. Recently, Marvel Comics and Netflix released another series: Jessica Jones.  Unlike the former and upcoming series based on the characters of Luke Cage and Iron Fist, Jessica debuted in a comic, coincidentally called Alias which is the name of her detective agency, in my lifetime. Like Luke Cage, X-Men Jean Grey and Kitty Pryde and others, she has superpowers but doesn't have a super identity. In the comic, she has super strength and can fly. In the TV series, the second ability is greatly downplayed but could easily appear in future appearances. Krysten Ritter pulls off the darkly comic role spectacularly. (Watching her on The Talk this afternoon I also realize she's incredibly tall...) David Tennant is deliciously creepy as the vill...

SPECTRE Of A Blog Post

Looking back at old review posts, I at one time apparently considered Casino Royale "the best Bond movie ever" because it didn't focus on gadgets. I even commented it wasn't slow moving.  Interestingly, all I really said about the next film, Quantum of Solace , was that I loved how they let M, played at the time by Judy Dench, actually do something. I didn't actually do an official review of Skyfall but that surpassed Casino Royale  as the best Bond film ever.  Casino was a needed reset after Die Another Day (Has any "final" Bond film ever been the actor's best? Diamonds Are Forever isn't my favorite Connery, View to a Kill isn't in my top 2 my favorite Moore, etc...) but Skyfall  made me realize "Lactose Intolerant Bond" just doesn't work long term.  You need a mix. The Serious And The Cheese. It also made me realize that letting M, Q and Moneypenny actually leave the damn office is awesome! In SPECTRE , M, and to a certain e...