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Showing posts from July, 2018

Ant-Man On The Ocean

I'll discuss   Ant-Man and the Wasp   in a minute but there's still a handful of thoughts about my viewing of   Ocean's Eight I want to relay first...  When the all-female Ghostbusters  came out, there was the usual "raping of childhood" complaints.   Ocean's Eight sidestepped many of these issues by being a spin-off of a remake that was already done. Sandra Bullock played the sister of George Clooney's Danny Ocean. (There was mention their father was als in the business. A reference to Frank Sinatra?)  Also, if you want to do a all-female action and/or comedy movie, the heist genre isn't a bad way to go. Soundtracks are usually "just there" for me. They seem to be usually selected for their beat and tempo and not their lyrics. Lindsay Lohan's Herbie: Fully Loaded  was particularly noticeable in this regard for me  but I was admittedly in a bad mood that night since I had rather watched   The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe   ...