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Showing posts from March, 2020

Engage Blogpost

Finished the first season of   Star Trek: Picard . Loved it! Is it a rehash of   The Next Generation? No and I don't blame Patrick Stewart for not wanting to do that. He compared this project to his involvement in the movie Logan and wanting to give Picard the send off the the movie afforded his other character of Charles Xavier. So far it's held up. Even if the show hadn't been renewed for a second season. The premise of the Romulans trying to eliminate all synthetic life, and infiltrating Starfleet to do it, is a mixed bag for me. I have no problem believing they would go to any length to accomplish their goal. Not their first time infiltrating Starfleet. (See "Data's Day" which does reference Bruce Maddox co-creator of what I'm calling "Soong Type 2" androids.)  The passing explanation of why the Romulans distrust synthetic life sort of makes sense but it doesn't really explain why, say, the Vulcans don't share this fear given the...

Good Morning Angels

Watched Elizabeth Banks'   Charlie's Angels   last night and, while not the  Skyfall of the franchise I was hoping for, there was good mix of action, seriousness and humor. The action sequences were on par with the James Bond and Mission: Impossible franchises.  (Like Tom Cruise, newcomer Ella Balinska did her own stunts...). I read that Drew Barrymore didn't want her Angels having guns despite the originals carrying them as former cops. (Hell, Julie the Model carried one even before she became a licensed PI...) What I didn't expect was Kristen Stewart would fill more of a comic relief role. Instead of the dark and broody persona I've come to expect from watching her as Joan Jett in  The Runaways and in movies such as Camp X-Ray, was replaced by an Ellen DeGeneres impression that gives Kate McKinnon a run for her money. (Whether it was intentional or not, I'm not kidding...) I realized this was done because Balinska's performance was seemingly inspired...