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Showing posts from May, 2020

The Legend Of The Blogpost

For the second blog (movie) review in a row, here I will be sharing my thoughts on a movie I didn't see in the theater. Is that important? No... The 2016 film  Legend of Tarzan didn't play at my local theater and VOD options seemed limited until I found it On Demand via my cable company recently. Well worth the wait... and limited commercial interruptions. This version of "The Legend" combines elements of Greystoke and   the Disney animated version and blends in the feel of  Mask of Zorro  for good measure. Reading trivia about this movie, Edgar Rice Burroughs didn't call the apes in his novel "gorillas" but made up a new aggressive species called mangani and this is the only production to note that difference. The plot has the Belgian government inviting him to the Congo but it's a trap. Samuel L. Jackson plays a US envoy who wants him to accept the invite to give him a reason to investigate rumors the Belgians are using slaves to build thei...