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Showing posts from July, 2020

Rough And Rowdy Review

While trying to find out which tracks Fiona Apple was playing on Rough and Rowdy Ways , I came across a review that basically stated this was the best album since Love and Theft . My gut reaction to that was "No. Certainly Modern Times and Together Through Life are just as good if not Tempest ." I'm re-listening to Tempest as I type this , his last studio album, and that too is catchier musically. Then, in the bath this morning, after a second listen to Rough And Rowdy Ways , it occurred to me that lyrically,  Rough And Rowdy Ways has the introspective lyrics, some about facing his own mortality" reminiscent of the Grammy-winning  Time Out of Mind. That is definitely not to say the lyrics on those three albums aren't catchy or even poignant but you have to feel they're impersonal. Musically, the album seems to feature the mostly mellow music of his last 4 albums with periodic grooves reminiscent of his early to mid '60s albums. Oh, while I'...