I must say this is a cool job and a cool way to die but Snape isn't my type:
What will be your HP life? by Doom_Song Name Job Minister Of Magic Partner Severus Snape Death Killed by Voldemort Created with quill18 's MemeGen !
Another cool job but I have no idea who this is:
What will be your HP life? by Doom_Song Name Job Dark Overlord Partner Remus Lupin Death poison Created with quill18 's MemeGen !
I'm revealing my real name for two reasons: one using Likestrek was so boring and Lady Vader knows my name anyway.
So anyway, let me tell you about my Modern Publishing class. Once again, it proves to be my favorite class. We had a guest speaker today: Susan Canavan who is Director of Mariner Books, the trade paperback division of Houghton Mifflin here in Boston. What she does is fascinating. I'm especially intrigued by what goes into skipping the hardcover phase and putting it directly into paperback. The main reason sems to be so poor students...
Whatever opinions or views I wish to share, now including my new life in the great state of Maine, will appear here. Lucky You...