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Showing posts from July, 2004

Matt and Ben

I saw both Matt Damon and Ben Affleck yesterday.  My father and I went to see The Bourne Supremacy and I think we both really enjoyed it.  It was very good indeed.  I am curious why they changed the frame up to Russian Mafia as opposed to Chinese politician that was in the book, however.  Relations with the Chinese aren't all that different now than they were in the 80's when the book was written.  My father pointed out it's easier to take a train to Moscow from Berlin... Affleck was interviewed during the Red Sox game last night. (Good game by the way.)  Why the hell are they allowing him to speak at the Democratic Convention? And those rumors about him and Jennifer Garner in Canada  better be false... Speaking of the Sox game, ESPN, though they kiss Yankee ass whenever they can get away with it, they at least try to be impartial. Fox, on the other hand, seem to want to be sodomized by Yankee bats...If you watch a game where the Yankee...

Does My Enter Key Work?

I was going to mention this yesterday but the enter key on this keyboard wasn't cooperating and I really didn't want to have a huge paragraph about several unrelated topics. I finished Phoenix  and was quite pleased with it.  As I mentioned to my mother, this book has a lot of meat to it. Yes, it still has the silly magic mishaps and misadventures that amuse children but there's so much more to it.  I will say though that I was disappointed about the "major death."  Can a character who hasn't been in all five books be considered major? Yes, I know what that character means/meant to Harry but, to me, Hagrid or Dumbledore may have been a more interesting choice or even Snape...   

Hello it's Me

Things have been interesting lately.   I came across a library job (in New Haven) this past Sunday and have been spending this past week getting 3 lettters of reference.   One is on it's way. The second person I asked I haven't heard at all and I still need to get one more.  The job is at a community college and I'd (somehow) have to work at their main campus and their sattelite campus in North Haven. Not sure how that'll work.   I've also applied for an office job in Hartford where I'd be doing bulk mailing 16 to 20 hours a week which is fine while I take my last course in the fall. 

Woad of Things to Say

Topic 1: King Arthur had some really great battle sequences but that really was the whole movie. It needed more meaningful dialogue.  The romance between Guinevere and Arthur wasn't developed convincingly.  If  I relocated a woman's fingers, she still would not want to have sex with me.  I suppose having sex was a good enough reason to get married back then but please...   Topic 2:  I am thoroughly enjoying Phoenix.   Harry actually gets some and not from a woman oddly named Lovegood...Ron and Herminone act like a married couple but Herminone, like a typical woman, doesn't notice he's interested...   Topic 3 : Stargate SG-1  and Stargate Atlantis   were both very entertaining . With the original show I have one question, what about the Goa'uld that wanted to stay? Obviously he can't because he's played by one of the Andromeda cast (Although his character on that show was on a space station that blew up...) I ca...

I'm Back! I'm Back! Oh! My Back!

The most exciting thing that happened over vacation was getting a chance to see Spider-man 2 with my cousin. While I thought the movie rocked, it was not better than the original. After the confrontation with Doc Ock and MJ's rescue, the movie started to drag. I checked my watch more with this film than with P of A and that was a good twenty minutes longer! A question: I kind of understand why Peter took his mask off in the runaway train scene but does anybody believe a whole trainfull of people would keep his secret? Over vacation I bought two CDs: Heart's new one "Jupiter's Darling which seems to blend the 70's and 80's personas of the band quite nicely and REO Speedwagon's "The Hits" which was on sale. (Did you know they were the ones who did "Riding the Storm Out"? I was surprised.) Now that I've finished Goblet and am reading Phoenix many things I had to say earlier don't fully wash but I was ignorant. Forgiv...