I saw both Matt Damon and Ben Affleck yesterday. My father and I went to see The Bourne Supremacy and I think we both really enjoyed it. It was very good indeed. I am curious why they changed the frame up to Russian Mafia as opposed to Chinese politician that was in the book, however. Relations with the Chinese aren't all that different now than they were in the 80's when the book was written. My father pointed out it's easier to take a train to Moscow from Berlin... Affleck was interviewed during the Red Sox game last night. (Good game by the way.) Why the hell are they allowing him to speak at the Democratic Convention? And those rumors about him and Jennifer Garner in Canada better be false... Speaking of the Sox game, ESPN, though they kiss Yankee ass whenever they can get away with it, they at least try to be impartial. Fox, on the other hand, seem to want to be sodomized by Yankee bats...If you watch a game where the Yankees aren't even playing they will be brought up probably more than once. We really shouldn't be that surprised since Fox News sucks up to the current administration but I find it totally disgusting and way unprofessional. Did you see the Mets game last weekend I think it was when they were interviewing John Franco and they asked him if he'd like to pitch for they Yankees? Very stupid question indeed. Stargate SG-1 was surprising this good this week. I never thought of Anubis coming back at all. With O'Neill now base commander, this season should be very interesting indeed. Stargate Atlantis was able to show a way there show is original. I really cannot think of any show that has a team take over an abandoned alien base that no one knows anything about. It's pretty cool if you ask me.
These are pictures from my first trip down to Southwest Florida this past October. The 'rents and I are going back down tomorrow so I thought I'd give all one of you a clue to where I was. This is a local park called Ponce De Leone Park. I like this shot because it shows some differences between down there and up here. There's some pretty tacky homes down there. Some homes, maybe that one, are worth about a million dollars and don't look much more interesting than that. By the way, we hope to see a real manatee or two this time... This is Gilchrist Park. That water in the lower left corner is actually part of a big fountain. Again, this shot shows a big difference in climate from up here. Interestingly, this park has the more extravagant Ponce De Leone statue/monument. Weird... We will probably visit this park again at least once while we're down. The theme of differences continues here, al beit morbidly. I had to get a shot of this as it amused me. (Although the ...