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Showing posts from March, 2005

Happy Easter

I wish all of you a Happy Easter. My mother and I went up to Maine for a long weekend. We tried out our new car. The gas mileage is incredible. I also love the sound system. We saw many people and watched many movies. Let's give a rundown: Good: National Treasure , So-So: The orginal Ocean's 11 , Before Sunset Not Good: Friday Night Lights , The Jerry Lewis classic Cinderfella . We also watched The King and I again. That too was pretty good.

Hawks and Other Stuff

Which flock do you follow? The other day we had a hawk, a Northern Harrier to be specific, rip a pidgeon to shreds in or yard. The squirrels have returned but no birds yet. I had never seen that before except on tv I guess. It was something. Went to the semifinals of the America East tournament the other day. We had thought Maine would be playing but the Lady Terriers of BU (We'll call them "The Bitches") had knocked them out. During the first game we were surrounded by Vermont fans. I'm pretty sure they don't get out to civilization much. The UHart fans during the second game were much better behaved. Of course, their team was winning... I've recieved more rejections from libraries but I have three still out so here's hoping. In other news, we recieved word on the stolen car. It was found like two towns over. It sustained damage to the dash where the radio was removed but I guess was more or less intact otherwise. The interesting twist is that, this past ...

Thoughts to Share

Even though no one has pointed out I haven't commented on how my pet sitting went, meaning no one give a rat's ass, I will say it was quite the adventure. Two very active dogs, no cable, no movies plus shitty internet connection equals insanity. They did pay me so yah! Went to see Million Dollar Baby the other day with my father. That movie was definitely a contender for Best Picture; no pun intended. (Or was it?) I almost cried and I'm famous for detatching myself. Speaking of Best Picture, I wanted to comment on this year's Oscars. I thought Chris Rock was hilarious. The fact Jude Law fired his agent for getting him too much work made it all the more funny. I also loved the Daily Show wrap up: "No, Mr. Youngman. I will not take your wife. I have one." In less fun news, I've recently been turned down by three of the libraries I applied for. Currently, three applications are still being considered including the one I was called for an interview at. The...