It is much cooler now and I am happy. I did an observation at a high school library yesterday morning. I watched a junior English class learn how to do citations. Since when do classes have to be taken to a library for that? In my day, the teacher of the class did that him or herself and we were taken to the library only to use the library’s resources and taught how to, of course. Is this how it is now? Overall, I have mixed reviews about the experience. On one hand, I think I’m more compatible with juniors over kindergarten students but I think that observation was more fun for me. You can probably draw on your own experiences of high school during the last couple weeks to guess why. Here’s an interesting twist: a friend, hearing about my observation of the elementary school called last night and arranged for me to visit her school’s library. I do that tomorrow morning. I hope I remember and am not just fixated by the exam/interview I have tomorrow evening... Recently, we watched the ...
Whatever opinions or views I wish to share, now including my new life in the great state of Maine, will appear here. Lucky You...