I was going to see how long I could hold out before someone actually asked where I went but I can now see my readers aren't that type so I'm posting. Friday, my mother's church had a "Parent's Night Out" event so my father and I went to lend technical support. After dinner we played a special Connecticut Conference UCC edition "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." Yes, it was as exciting as it sounds... Saturday, my mother and I went to The Old Avon Farms Inn for a Simmons Alumni Winter Tea with guest speaker author Elinor Lippman. As a writer myself, I enjoyed it despite the fact I was the only male. The champagne punch didn't hurt either... Sunday, was my church's annual meeting so that was different. Oh and I was asked to greet so I had to get up a whole 30 minutes early to be able to get over early enough. In the afternoon, we went to a family party and my mother's cousin whom we met just after we moved down here. This will be the third ti...
Whatever opinions or views I wish to share, now including my new life in the great state of Maine, will appear here. Lucky You...