I was going to see how long I could hold out before someone actually asked where I went but I can now see my readers aren't that type so I'm posting.
Friday, my mother's church had a "Parent's Night Out" event so my father and I went to lend technical support. After dinner we played a special Connecticut Conference UCC edition "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." Yes, it was as exciting as it sounds...
Saturday, my mother and I went to The Old Avon Farms Inn for a Simmons Alumni Winter Tea with guest speaker author Elinor Lippman. As a writer myself, I enjoyed it despite the fact I was the only male. The champagne punch didn't hurt either...
Sunday, was my church's annual meeting so that was different. Oh and I was asked to greet so I had to get up a whole 30 minutes early to be able to get over early enough. In the afternoon, we went to a family party and my mother's cousin whom we met just after we moved down here.
This will be the third time I've made reference to this person on here but I've had some interesting discussions with someone recently. I'm still uncertain at this juncture if it will go anywhere but it looks really good at this moment in time.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled silence.
Friday, my mother's church had a "Parent's Night Out" event so my father and I went to lend technical support. After dinner we played a special Connecticut Conference UCC edition "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." Yes, it was as exciting as it sounds...
Saturday, my mother and I went to The Old Avon Farms Inn for a Simmons Alumni Winter Tea with guest speaker author Elinor Lippman. As a writer myself, I enjoyed it despite the fact I was the only male. The champagne punch didn't hurt either...
Sunday, was my church's annual meeting so that was different. Oh and I was asked to greet so I had to get up a whole 30 minutes early to be able to get over early enough. In the afternoon, we went to a family party and my mother's cousin whom we met just after we moved down here.
This will be the third time I've made reference to this person on here but I've had some interesting discussions with someone recently. I'm still uncertain at this juncture if it will go anywhere but it looks really good at this moment in time.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled silence.