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Showing posts from September, 2010

Move Over Theo; I Have My Own Hot Stove Rock and Roll

I did post a video from the Grace Potter and the Nocturnals concert (Well, from a concert...) but let me describe the experience in more detail. Best concert I've been to in years. Maybe since college when I went to see Bob Dylan with Natalie Merchant... (To be fair, the first time I saw Jewel she had just broken her collar bone and the second time she was forced to open for Rob Thomas...Jakob Dylan didn't like performing in a casino...Neil Young's set was too obscure...) Natalie had energy back then bouncing off this foot stool but this time the whole band crackled. Amazon describes The Nocturnals as "a modern-day version of Tina Turner stroking the microphone in a spangled mini-dress while fronting the Rolling Stones circa Sticky Fingers." A pretty apt description I think. To me, they have a jam band quality to them, like the Grateful Dead or Phish as well. (My boss pointed out they are from Vermont citing "Cherry Garcia" ice cream. Not to mention ...

Rather Random

1. Watched American Gangster over Thursday and yesterday. That was a great movie and so well acted. I'm not old enough to know about the true events that inspired it but I'm surprised no one made a movie about it before. Russell Crow, who was also in the recently watched State of Play (Like that period of time where I watched like three Jennifer Aniston movies , this is my "summer of Russell" I guess...), was great as a cop turned DEA, turned prosecutor turned defense attorney but "my man" Denzel Washington rocked as Harlem drug lord Frank Lucas. (Looking at the pictures of the real guy, he reminds me of OJ Simpson...) 2. I'm scheduled to go back up to Ellsworth on Monday as my father got tickets to see Grace Potter and the Nocturnals . I'm excited as they are one of my top favorite bands of the last 10 or 15 years. It'll be a quick trip but worth it, I'm sure... 3. So publisher is pissing me off. I haven't actually written ...

Eat. Pray. Love. Eat Some More.

Before and during my vacation up to see the 'rents, I saw three movies but I decided to focus here on the one still in theaters. Eat. Pray. Love. begins Julia Roberts leaving her boring marriage. Really, why did she think it would work? She was a CIA Agent and he was mole planted at the IMF by an arms dealer. Then she falls for The Green Goblin ; who, frankly, was too young for her. She decides to travel the world and eat. A lot. In India, this Texan who supposedly looked like James Taylor but reminded me more of the pedophile/killer from the Lovely Bones , (No, it was actually the father/stepfather from Step-Brothers interestingly enough which I apparently didn't review...) nicknamed her "Groceries" because of this. One of my favorite parts... After Italy and India, and the eating and the praying, she returns to Indonesia where she meets Real Life Mr. Penelope Cruz . (I apologize I've never seen any of his acting before therefore no better links.) I've s...