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Showing posts from May, 2016

When Captain America Throws His Mighty Shield...

As I was recently discussing with someone on Twitter, I'm not a big fan of "Good Guys Manipulated Fight Each Other" films so it's sad that Captain America: Civil War came out so close on the heels of Batman v. Superman . As maybe I've confessed before I am more of a Marvel fan but that is not why this one was better.  DC fans frequently point out this was the 13th Marvel film while BvS   is only the second of their new cinematic universe. To me, that's why it worked better. The tension was building out of the last Avengers  movie and the characters have interacted for several movies worth of time (One must assume interactions happen off screen as well) so they know each other pretty well. Two friends having a disagreement carries so much more weight than two strangers going at it.  In my critique of  Batman v. Superman ,  I noted that the end of the featured fight hinged on the fact both characters' mothers were named Martha. Here, the big fight ended wh...