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Showing posts from November, 2016

Strange Times

No, this isn't about the election. I'm not ready to unlease that upon the world just yet.  Instead, allow me to share my thoughts on another fantastic entry into Marvel's cinematic universe.  Doctor Strange was the perfect blend of the tone we are used to and the adding of the supernatural world. Friends on Facebook may have noticed my comment that the first part of  The Imitation Game  was unexpectedly hilarious due in large part to Benedict Cumberbatch's turn as Alan Turing so it comes as no surprise he's awesome as arrogant neurosurgeon (a redundant phrase in my personal experience.) Doctor Strange, like Ghost Rider, is really not a character that lends itself to having a love interest but since it's an origin story, it worked here with  fellow surgeon Dr. Christine Palmer. Certainly better than in that movie ... I've loved Rachel McAdams since The Family Stone  but I'm sure the character'll just go the route of Thor' s Jane Foster and ju...