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Showing posts from July, 2017

Must Write Review Now!

Spider-Man: Homecoming finally brought in  an actor in Tom Holland who could actually convincingly play a high school student AND could play the guilt-ridden yet wisecracking during battle Spider-man we all grew up with. Both factors in to my dubbing thee Sir Best Spider-man Film Ever... Composer Michael Giacchino incorporating the 1967 theme music into the score was awesome and better than when Sam Raimi randomly placed it into his movies. It occurred to me having Robert Downy, Jr. reprise his role as Tony Stark could be interpreted as an unintentional homage to  Spider-man and his Amazing Friends since the character appeared in the pilot of that show... I'm of two minds when it comes to them skipping the origin. I mean we've seen it. Twice. was weird that the only real reference was when Peter acknowledged that Aunt May was having a rough time lately. May seemed to straddle the line between "having a rough time" and being the cool single aunt with mo...

A Concert Review? I Do That?

Looking back in the archives, I haven't done a concert review since 2010. To give you perspective, in the review, I mention the opening act has a MySpace page... Last night, though I knew it was coming, I bought my ticket at 4:30pm for the 8:00 show of  Steady On: Lilith Fair at 20  with Sharon Goldman from New Jersey, Lara Herscovitch from CT (Given that she gave Goldman crap for being from Jersey, I'm guessing Hartford area. This song I'm listening to now mentions Litchfield...) and Maine artists Ronda Dale and Lisa Redfern. I was surprised to note I was not the only man that went solo. Turns out, they were the husbands of the artists! Goldman and Herscovitch started this tour after a conversation at a folk festival in Florida. They didn't spell it out but I'm guessing they bring in local artists to join them at their different stops? In his introduction, the head of the venue's board described these artists as "next generation" of artists from t...