It's been a turtle's age since I last blogged so I have a few things to catch up on... 1. Captain Marvel- Great first female-centric film from Marvel. Is it better than Wonder Woman? No. But we can't all be first, can we? What this film does have is a mostly female '90's soundtrack that is suspiciously like my Pandora mix and that is second only to the soundtrack from the classic film Boys On The Side. I am disappointed they didn't go whole hog and stuck in Nirvana and REM. I realize Warner Brothers owns the good stuff ( Birds of Prey could potentially rock...) but all you needed was 2 more women! GOOSE! The cat who's really a Flerken stole the show. The barer of the Captain Marvel title when I was growing up Monica Rambeau appears as a pre-teen and the original was gender bent and played by Annette Benning. (It's funny that the two female Avenger leaders I remember from my childhood were aged down like Monica or aged up like Janet Van ...
Whatever opinions or views I wish to share, now including my new life in the great state of Maine, will appear here. Lucky You...