It's been a turtle's age since I last blogged so I have a few things to catch up on...
1. Captain Marvel- Great first female-centric film from Marvel. Is it better than Wonder Woman? No. But we can't all be first, can we? What this film does have is a mostly female '90's soundtrack that is suspiciously like my Pandora mix and that is second only to the soundtrack from the classic film Boys On The Side. I am disappointed they didn't go whole hog and stuck in Nirvana and REM. I realize Warner Brothers owns the good stuff ( Birds of Prey could potentially rock...) but all you needed was 2 more women!
GOOSE! The cat who's really a Flerken stole the show.
The barer of the Captain Marvel title when I was growing up Monica Rambeau appears as a pre-teen and the original was gender bent and played by Annette Benning. (It's funny that the two female Avenger leaders I remember from my childhood were aged down like Monica or aged up like Janet Van Dyne...)
2. Hellboy- This unnecessary reboot was actually fun in a B-movie kinda way. To be honest they only rebooted two characters from the original movies and that was smart. David Harbour does a fine job as the new Hellboy but I just can't accept Ian McShane as the new "Pops;" John Hurt is once again proven irreplaceable. If there is a sequel, we'll meet the new Abe Sapien...
3. Star Trek: Discovery- How has this show gone two whole seasons without me putting in my two cents? As with Enterprise, they tried once again to do a prequel series without fully considering the "canon consequences.". This time we have a ship in the Captain Pike era. The writing staff have shown they're big fans of the animated series. which is great as we needed to make the show more than just "canon on paper." I didn't even mind introducing a Barzan as how do we know when first contact happened with them? (Just don't mention the wormhole which they didn't...) There are ways to dismiss the spore drive like maybe it just doesn't work. You can even dismiss lead character Michael Burnham being Spock's foster sister as he never told bestie Kirk about his parents or his half-brother Sybok until they were in the same room. (Speaking of the latter, where was Sybok in season 2? Just because Vitamin D-deficient nerds with sticks up their asses don't like that movie doesn't dismiss it as canon...)
To free themselves up, the show will move from the mid-23rd century to the 32nd and I think will be in the still largely unexplored Beta Quadrant. Remember the Romulan Empire is gone by the late 24th. Are they back? What's the current relations with the Klingons?
4. Avengers: Endgame- Great conclusion to the Infinity Saga that has been in the background since the Marvel Cinematic Universe began; certain since the first Thor movie. Someone on Twitter commented that it really didn't seem like a 3 hour movie and he was right. Very tightly written but left room for more. Will Thor be part of Guardians of the Galaxy going forward? Will Old Steve be a mentor to the new Captain America?
I wasn't surprised that Tony Stark died (Hank Pym came to his funeral? I'm guessing it was at Jan's insistence...) but I was genuinely surprised that Black Widow did. I was also admittedly surprised Vision stayed dead.
Given the movie was mainly designed as the OG members time to shine, I wasn't surprised the newly introduced Captain Marvel was sidelined during most of the film; especially since she cut through Thanos' ship like a hot knife though butter... Needed more Groot and what ever happened to Sif? Has her absence ever been explained?
1. Captain Marvel- Great first female-centric film from Marvel. Is it better than Wonder Woman? No. But we can't all be first, can we? What this film does have is a mostly female '90's soundtrack that is suspiciously like my Pandora mix and that is second only to the soundtrack from the classic film Boys On The Side. I am disappointed they didn't go whole hog and stuck in Nirvana and REM. I realize Warner Brothers owns the good stuff ( Birds of Prey could potentially rock...) but all you needed was 2 more women!
GOOSE! The cat who's really a Flerken stole the show.
The barer of the Captain Marvel title when I was growing up Monica Rambeau appears as a pre-teen and the original was gender bent and played by Annette Benning. (It's funny that the two female Avenger leaders I remember from my childhood were aged down like Monica or aged up like Janet Van Dyne...)
2. Hellboy- This unnecessary reboot was actually fun in a B-movie kinda way. To be honest they only rebooted two characters from the original movies and that was smart. David Harbour does a fine job as the new Hellboy but I just can't accept Ian McShane as the new "Pops;" John Hurt is once again proven irreplaceable. If there is a sequel, we'll meet the new Abe Sapien...
3. Star Trek: Discovery- How has this show gone two whole seasons without me putting in my two cents? As with Enterprise, they tried once again to do a prequel series without fully considering the "canon consequences.". This time we have a ship in the Captain Pike era. The writing staff have shown they're big fans of the animated series. which is great as we needed to make the show more than just "canon on paper." I didn't even mind introducing a Barzan as how do we know when first contact happened with them? (Just don't mention the wormhole which they didn't...) There are ways to dismiss the spore drive like maybe it just doesn't work. You can even dismiss lead character Michael Burnham being Spock's foster sister as he never told bestie Kirk about his parents or his half-brother Sybok until they were in the same room. (Speaking of the latter, where was Sybok in season 2? Just because Vitamin D-deficient nerds with sticks up their asses don't like that movie doesn't dismiss it as canon...)
To free themselves up, the show will move from the mid-23rd century to the 32nd and I think will be in the still largely unexplored Beta Quadrant. Remember the Romulan Empire is gone by the late 24th. Are they back? What's the current relations with the Klingons?
4. Avengers: Endgame- Great conclusion to the Infinity Saga that has been in the background since the Marvel Cinematic Universe began; certain since the first Thor movie. Someone on Twitter commented that it really didn't seem like a 3 hour movie and he was right. Very tightly written but left room for more. Will Thor be part of Guardians of the Galaxy going forward? Will Old Steve be a mentor to the new Captain America?
I wasn't surprised that Tony Stark died (Hank Pym came to his funeral? I'm guessing it was at Jan's insistence...) but I was genuinely surprised that Black Widow did. I was also admittedly surprised Vision stayed dead.
Given the movie was mainly designed as the OG members time to shine, I wasn't surprised the newly introduced Captain Marvel was sidelined during most of the film; especially since she cut through Thanos' ship like a hot knife though butter... Needed more Groot and what ever happened to Sif? Has her absence ever been explained?