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Random Comments Into My Life

We did yardwork yesterday. I picked up a lot of sticks. Home Depot sucks on a Friday morning. My father and I went to get a new gascan for the mower and there was only one employee around to help us...and she didn't know anything about how these new fangled gas cans work...

So due to a bank error when I reset my bank account so I could accurately keep track again, I had like a hundred dollars less in my account than I thought so my last bill payment put me in the hole. This would've been all right and easily fixed if I had been paid for the last week of my mailroom job but, oddly, I still have not been even though it's been weeks. I don't know if I can accurately convey how infuriated this makes me. If it doesn't happen soon, heads will roll!

Also yesterday I re-watched the Enterprise episode "Regeneration"; this time with audio commentary from the writers. They made some valid points I hadn't considered on the issue of if this episode screws with continuity or not. I now say no. As they pointed out, the Ferengi episode was much worse in that regard.

So, as I read in an article yesterday, it seems Michelle Rodriguez had only signed on for a season as she apparently is very concerned about being typecast... The producers wanted the character Ana Lucia to last longer but the changed their plans to accommodate her. My question is why didn't they just find a different actress? Are thirty-ish Latina actresses that hard to find they settled with her?

Jimmy Stewart
You scored 9% Tough, 14% Roguish, 57% Friendly, and 19% Charming!
You are the fun and friendly boy next door, the classic nice guy who still manages to get the girl most of the time. You're every nice girl's dreamboat, open and kind, nutty and charming, even a little mischievous at times, but always a real stand up guy. You're dependable and forthright, and women are drawn to your reliability, even as they're dazzled by your sense of adventure and fun. You try to be tough when you need to be, and will gladly stand up for any damsel in distress, but you'd rather catch a girl with a little bit of flair. Your leading ladies include Jean Arthur and Donna Reed, those sweet girl-next-door types.

Find out what kind of classic dame you'd make by taking the Classic Dames Test.

Link: The Classic Leading Man Test written by gidgetgoes on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


JRRyan said…
I'm sure there are about 20 million young and hungry Latina actresses to be found, but Michelle Rodriguez has the name recognition of a middling actress so that's at least something producers can work with.

Still, not wanting to be typecast? honestly! after ANNAPOLIS, GIRL FIGHT, and FAST AND FURIOUS? es demasiado tarde, mi amiga! anyways, drunk driving is bad but I heart Michelle R tons. I think she's so pretty!!
Likestrek said…
She was in Annapolis? Then why did a no name like Jordana Brewester, who's best known role is Derak Jeter's ex-girlfriend, get the lead female role?

Oh yes, it was all about the name recognition...
JRRyan said…
HAHAHA my extreme bad!! I thought Michelle had the lead. wow, good thing I didn't see it then. I would have been PISSED!!
Likestrek said…
I wouldn't have known either but I saw the Brewster appearence on Letterman promoting the film...
JRRyan said…
well odd-looking Jordana WAS in FAST AND FURIOUS too, which is why I knew her name. I didn't know she was Jeter's chickie actually...
Likestrek said…
I read somewhere. I don't think they're still together but I'm a Sox fan so I really don't care...

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