I'm taking Collection Development which I'm sure means nothing to any of you but, then, who really cares anyway? To quote comedian Jay London, this post "will be over in a minute."
The Stargate quality was reversed this week. The original written by castmember Chris Judge, and his episodes always seem to be good, not only had the return of Jolene Blalock as Ishta but had an interesting plot as well. Atlantis just sucked. Not only was the fact they were on a fake Earth totally obvious, they revealed this fact in the promo of the episode! And why is it always the suave male lead on the show that is the one to figure it out first? Can't they mix it up a little?
We've had good stuff on Justice League the past two weeks. "Fearful Symmetry" introduced the character The Question. Other than the fact he has absolutely no face, I don't know anything about him but, then, maybe that's the point...Last night's was both hilarious and action packed. Booster Gold is perhaps a little too Flash but then I don't think the latter has had any lines so far in this new show. WTF?
I realized after reading Lady Vader's bog, that I neglected to mention three things my family and I did this past vacation. Traveling back from Toronto we stopped in extreme Western Mass (My professor described the area yesterday as just before you "fall off the world into New York."). We went to the Norman Rockwell Museum which I think is fairly self explanatory and The Mount which is Edith Wharton's summer house. This was interesting. The house is still being restored after it changed hands several times, including being a girl's school, but instead of doing it exactly which may have been impossible anyway, they gave interior decorators artistic license. In Ted Wharton's study you see a laptop on his desk and Maxim magazine on a coffee table. I thought the choices throughout the house were rather refreshing.