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Showing posts from March, 2006

A Short Jaunt into a Another Land

Recently, I took a break from the Narnia universe to enter the Four Lands. I just finished reading the concluding volume of the High Druid of Shannara trilogy, Straken written, of course, by Terry Brooks. I was blown away by the ending. I suppose that it was an ending that a reader, such as myself, who had read the previous two books as well as the previous trilogy would have to consider (Well, maybe not the exact circumstances...) but that would have gone against the grain of happy endings which possibly is why I didn't see it. This trilogy was really the first to continue events of a previous book; or trilogy as in this case. Sure, the other books had common characters reappearing but they usually made little more than cameos. I'll be curious how the next foray into the Four Lands sets itself up. I'll be starting a new temp job soon. It isn't 2nd shift this time. It's 3rd... I'll be working in the mailroom for one of the local insurance giants. (Sinc...

I Did Drink This Just Last Week.

You Are Guinness You know beer well, and you'll only drink the best beers in the world. Watered down beers disgust you, as do the people who drink them. When you drink, you tend to become a bit of a know it all - especially about subjects you don't know well. But your friends tolerate your drunken ways, because you introduce them to the best beers around. What's Your Beer Personality? It was partially to celebrate St. Patty's Day and what else does one drink during March Madness but beer? I do find it odd I picked Amsterdam, not Dublin and I still got this answer but at least it's a beer I drink. Two years ago now it must have been since she just turned 21 recently, Keira Knightley once said Dublin was the best place to drink Guinness but she was only 19 at the time so she couldn't drink here in America (There's something weird about that but I don't know what.) but that seems perfectly logical to me. American beer, ::sticks finger down throa...

This Is True On Some Level At Least

You Should Be a Film Writer You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind. You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life. Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling. And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen! What Type of Writer Should You Be? This morning, my mother's church was having a breakfast so my father and I ran over and ran back. (Not literally.) We had pancakes, sausage AND bacon as their current confirmation class put it on and it's mostly boys this year. 'Nuff Said. I feel the need to clear up some confusion about my posts and comments thereof. Why am I spending money on CDs when I should be saving it up to pay my two monthly bills (health insurance and consolidated student loan)? Because I have only so much will power. Sure, I can hold out when I have no money but if I'm a...

Forgotten Irony

That UConn-Washington game last night was very scary. Fatigue is to blame I think and, frankly, CBS is partially to blame for that. There is no reason to start a game on the East Coast at 10:00 in the evening. Well, other than ratings... They could just take off Oprah for godsakes. I forgot to mention yesterday that we went to see Failure to Launch . Despite the plot similarities to my life right now, I really enjoyed it. I should point out the differences, however. Trip could have left anytime he wanted. He had a probably decent paying job. Even though, I've gotten temp employment, I can't even pay my health insurance. (One more job and I may be able to take over paying at least one of my bills. Maybe.) Anyway, back to the movie, Zooey Deschanel was hilarious as Paula's (Sarah Jessica Parker) roommate and Terry Bradshaw was great too although I really wish I could purge the memory of his ass from my mind... Listened to the Clapton CD today. To me, it's very re...

Scattered, Disorganized Thoughts

When I was done in Florida the first time, yes,I'm going back next month with my parents this time around, I was introduced to an online radio station out of California that played some interesting stuff. Currently, they just played "Monkey Man" which is probably one of the Rolling Stones' worst songs but then, crap from them is better than the best from other so-called artists so it's all good. Speaking of music, I decided to spend some of my new found spending money at Best Buy and bought Eric Clapton's new CD Back Home and Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway albums as well as the second season of Superfriends . I have not listened to the Clapton album yet but I listened to Breakaway during lunch. Remember I said I was liking the album but was reluctant to buy it because of my high musical standards? (She co-wrote only half the songs.) I think I said that after her third single was released. Two singles later, I say to myself, "I really like half the albu...

The Mundane and the Serious

Yesterday and today, since the agency has found nothing for me so far this week, I've been helping my mother. Yesterday, I helped her with an e-mail project and today I did some research for her. As I predicted, UHart lost pretty badly but they did hang in there for about three-fourths of the game so that was kind of impressive. I think Connecticut, the state as well as the team, will have it's revenge against the Georgia team in the next round as Mel Thomas seems to be back in typical form to give one reason. Once again, and this is when the comments seriously disappear, I need a little advice. I've finally figured out what it is about the woman I've been conversing with that intrigues me. Like Heather and Nicki before her, this person shares their high level of compassion/empathy. I'm also realizing that, unlike them and more like my mother, she cares way too much what others think of her and doesn't seem to be able to let go easily. Even though this bothe...

No Common Theme

First, we will again start with the b-ball. How cool was UHart's win? Oh sure, they'll get their butts handed to them on a soft tortilla next round but it's always cool when the underdog wins. And how cool was it that the UConn men actually showed up for their second round game? I deposited my first pay check today. Woo Hoo! I haven't worked a non-under the table paying job in many moons so I was a little surprised by all the taxes taken out but even a little money is good at this point. I went to my second church council meeting tonight. In some ways I like it better than the committee I'm there to represent... Before I show this quiz can I just say how much I hate anime? ( Thundercats and maybe one or two other are exceptions.) You Are a Henna Gaijin! You're not Japanese, but you wish you were! You can use chopsticks with your eyes closed, and you've memorized hundreds of Kanji. You even answer your phone "moshi moshi." While the number of a...

Reviews, Bad News and a Loopdy Loo or Two.

Probably not in that order. First, that UConn-Albany game. The Huskies really would have to have the "suck" label placed on them if they didn't pull that game out of their ass. Somehow I knew that the announcers going on and on about what an upset it would be would actually help Connecticut win since the opposite is almost always true no matter what sport your watching but it was way more of a nail biter than I really was predicting when I sat down for it. They better hope that they fixed their problem going into the next round because they will be slaughtered if they turn the ball over that many times but then, you all knew that... Before I get to the movie reviews, my thoughts on our trip this morning to the Yale British Arts Center. We went because we heard of the art exhibit by John Virtue of London that was going on now but the whole collection was very interesting and it was free so that's always good. Last night and this morning, I watched two movies. W...

Bring In the Funny

I have to say that it was just recently, maybe around Christmas, that I've been able to really enjoy watching Saturday Night Live again since things went south with Heather two years ago. (Has it been that long? Wow.) Of course, I finally have a new obsession... The recurring "Two A-holes" sketches have got to be my current faves. The two I've seen: "Two A-holes Buy a Christmas Tree" and last weekend's "Two A-holes go to a Travel Agency" both had me laughing very hard. "I wanna go to Hogwarts." Just now I watched an episode of Pinky and the Brain online. Again, I laughed so hard. I really loved that show. "Pinky, you are practically the poster child for Cheez Whiz." Narf! Today, I have my last day at my current temp job merging the medical files of two hospitals into one collection. After the first day I worried that I was going too slow and would be fired but, last night, the boss decided that the night shift would just ...

I Stole This Because It Looked Like Fun.

Musical Magic 8 Ball Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. NO CHEATING. 1. How does the world see me? "Much Too Late For Goodbyes"-Julian Lennon. Ok, that's just mean... 2. Will I have a happy life? "If You're Gone"- Matchbox 20. So it's conditional... 3. What do my friends really think of me? "Play Guitar"- John Mellencamp. So my friends want me to "forgot about that macho shit and learn how to play guitar." 4. Do people secretly lust after me? "Rhapsody"- Alejandro Escoveda. Um, then no? 5. How can I make myself happy? "Tempted"-Squeeze. I think that means to have an affair. Ok... 6. What should I do with my life? "Wish You Were Here"- Pink Floyd. So I should pine after someone? 7. Will I ever have children? "Peaceful Easy Feeling"- The Eagles. Does that mean I need ...

New Week, New Job

So after three days of working for a company that did document scanning, I was let go this morning. I will never know if it was for two weeks, as I'm guessing or two months. I don't know why exactly as I was called this morning by the employment agency not the company but I think it was one of two possibilities, one rather petty and one understandable. The petty reason: I was too slow which I can't do anything about. The employment agency knew this when I was assigned. The second possible reason is that, due to a former employee returning, they wanted to make room for her and I was picked to be axed. This reasoning I'm ok with. Honestly, I was only in it for the money and I freely admit that. On Monday, I start a three day filing job. The hours of that are 4:30-midnight but it is just down the road from my house. I didn't ask how much it paid but now I'm curious. I have to say that this agency is much better at finding me work then the other one and I like...

Good News, Bad News Time

Time for another installment of nobody's favorite show, Good News, Bad News. The bad news is that the date didn't happen this weekend and may not any time soon but the good news is that it will happen at some point as I talked with her last night after I went to the Big East Tournament; more on that later. The good news is I have a job if only temporarily through that agency I signed with a couple weeks ago. I have a second shift job filing and removing staples. (As it was described to me.) The upside of this is obvious. The downside is that, really, my life, as I currently know it, is second shift so the next 2 weeks to 2 months will be an adjustment. The tournament session we went to yesterday was awesome as UConn won it's game. It's a bit surprising we were able to just call up that day to get tickets since it's a conference tournament but why not? Our seats weren't the best but they could have been much worse. It was great hearing all the different band...

I Think Why I'm Doing This Is Painfully Clear

1. screen name: Likestrek or sci_fi_nat2000 2. birthday: 10/26 3. place of residence: with my parents... 4. what makes you happy: research, creativity and someone listening to what I have to say. 5. what are you listening to now/have listened to last: "Call Me" from Blondie 6. do you read my lj: The question is does she still read mine? 7. if you do, what is particularly good/bad about it: I like that I can still get a glimpse on what's going on in her life. I guess a downside is that she needs more interesting topics. 8. an interesting fact about you: I had the most delicious sausage, egg and cheese biscuit for breakfast this morning. 9. are you in love/have a crush at the moment: As much as I try to deny it, yes. 10. favourite place to be: with people who love me. 11. favourite lyric: That's too hard so let's go the opposite extreme: "I like the way you are when you're driving in your car." 12. best time of the year: Now that I'm out of school,...

Doin' Alright

I wanted to share with you all that while I still don't have a job or "that special someone," I realized during the sparsely attended Ash Wednesday service the other night that I feel really positive about how both searches are progressing right now. I tell you this not to rub it in for those who are struggling as I've been and probably will again. I tell you this because I just wanted you to know. In that light, I may actually be meeting someone I met online tomorrow. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I'll be sure to let you all know how and if it went. I meant to tell you about this days ago as it happened this weekend but first, I forgot then, the site was acting wonky but I read the next book (Book 3 as I know it) in the Narnia series: Voyage of the Dawn Treader . I attempted to read A Horse and His Boy first since that is the new book two but I really couldn't get into it. Anyway, Dawn Treader was a great book and will be an awesom...