1. screen name: Likestrek or sci_fi_nat2000
2. birthday: 10/26
3. place of residence: with my parents...
4. what makes you happy: research, creativity and someone listening to what I have to say.
5. what are you listening to now/have listened to last: "Call Me" from Blondie
6. do you read my lj: The question is does she still read mine?
7. if you do, what is particularly good/bad about it: I like that I can still get a glimpse on what's going on in her life. I guess a downside is that she needs more interesting topics.
8. an interesting fact about you: I had the most delicious sausage, egg and cheese biscuit for breakfast this morning.
9. are you in love/have a crush at the moment: As much as I try to deny it, yes.
10. favourite place to be: with people who love me.
11. favourite lyric: That's too hard so let's go the opposite extreme: "I like the way you are when you're driving in your car."
12. best time of the year: Now that I'm out of school, fall.
13. weirdest food you like: pizza with zucchini and bacon I guess.
14. do farts make you laugh: Only when my father does it.
1. a film: Batman Begins
2. a book: Star Trek; The Lost Era: Art of the Impossible by Keith DeCandido
3. a band, a song and an album: The Traveling Wilburys, Bob Dylan's "Blonde on Blonde" album and his "Positively 4th St."
1. one thing you like about me: I liked the fact I had someone to discuss Charmed with.
2. two things you like about yourself: my sense of humor and my compassion.
3. put this in your lj (blog) so i can tell you what i think of you.
2. birthday: 10/26
3. place of residence: with my parents...
4. what makes you happy: research, creativity and someone listening to what I have to say.
5. what are you listening to now/have listened to last: "Call Me" from Blondie
6. do you read my lj: The question is does she still read mine?
7. if you do, what is particularly good/bad about it: I like that I can still get a glimpse on what's going on in her life. I guess a downside is that she needs more interesting topics.
8. an interesting fact about you: I had the most delicious sausage, egg and cheese biscuit for breakfast this morning.
9. are you in love/have a crush at the moment: As much as I try to deny it, yes.
10. favourite place to be: with people who love me.
11. favourite lyric: That's too hard so let's go the opposite extreme: "I like the way you are when you're driving in your car."
12. best time of the year: Now that I'm out of school, fall.
13. weirdest food you like: pizza with zucchini and bacon I guess.
14. do farts make you laugh: Only when my father does it.
1. a film: Batman Begins
2. a book: Star Trek; The Lost Era: Art of the Impossible by Keith DeCandido
3. a band, a song and an album: The Traveling Wilburys, Bob Dylan's "Blonde on Blonde" album and his "Positively 4th St."
1. one thing you like about me: I liked the fact I had someone to discuss Charmed with.
2. two things you like about yourself: my sense of humor and my compassion.
3. put this in your lj (blog) so i can tell you what i think of you.