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Showing posts from June, 2006

New Day, New Movie

The other movie I got out of the library, The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou , was watched yesterday. It doesn't not need to be said but I'm going to say it anyway: definitely not the best film I've seen with Bill Murray or Willem Dafoe and probably not the best film I've seen Cate Blanchett, Owen Wilson, Jeff Goldblum or Anjelica Huston in either. (Yes, even The Addams Family could be better than this.) Murray should stick with real comedies. He really should have been in Charlie's Angels II . The David Bowie songs translated into Portuguese started to get monotonous fairly quickly. It was cool the first time but... I guess I may have liked this film better if I watched it at another time but it really isn't a movie one should watch after, or before for that matter, watching a really good film because it will pale in comparison. Tomorrow I leave for Maine to spend a week in the woods with my parents. I hope for minigolf and cheap CDs...Oh, and I have a lun...

I Guess I Have To See Nacho Libre Now...

Two days ago now I think it was, I borrowed The Good Girl from my branch library as I seem to doing a lot of recently. As people who read my blog know, I was hesitant to see it as Friends with Money was frankly hit or miss. I'm glad I did however because this movie rocked. This may be the first "art" film I may add to my DVD collection. (Then again, I don't own Bubba Ho-Tep which was also a really enjoyable film so we'll see...Um, I am definitely not suggesting that was an art film...) Jennifer Aniston is actually a pretty good actress who doesn't get enough credit. I can see why she was cast in that Friends with Money role although she doesn't pull it off as well there. Three more things make it worth watching: First, Zooey Deschannel is in this. Her role here reminds me of her role in Failure to Launch although the only real similarity is she's hilarious in both movies. Second, John C. Reilly is also hilarious as Justine's stoner husband....

Home Alone

My parents have started their vacation and I've started my vacation from them. I realize my last post may have been a little too geeky even for me. It is possible I just have a quirky sense of humor that's easily ignored. We shall see although, I admit, there are times I do not like being ignored. In other news, the Sox-Braves game last night gave me fits. And they won! They're trying to kill me, I swear! One more word on this topic: will it be a good thing to put a pitcher on the mound that the royally sucky KC Royals dumped? I mean if they aren't willing to use him, and I'm sure they need pitching, he has to really suck. I think it was Francona who suggested he may pitch better on a contender. That's not my personality at all. I wouldn't say to myself, "We suck so I'm going to feel free to suck." Then again, I see the glass as half-full only half the time... We went to a joint graduation party for neighboring high school graduates we know. Th...

Amusing Lyrics

Has anyone actually listened to the lyrics of Rhianna's new song "Unfaithful?" OMG! It is one of the most hilarious things I've ever heard. Why doesn't she just leave? I was also reminded today how the new song by Fort Minor, "Where'd You Go?" also is another funny song. The video gives an example of someone going to Iraq then the next example is someone playing baseball and therefore not around during the summer. Are these examples really that comparable? One final comment about music related stuff: "Promiscuous" , which also has amusing lyrics, is advertised as a Nelly Furtado song but, if you listen it, I swear she just singing backup to Timbaland. WTF?

Better Than A Diary Or Tape Recorder

First, let us give a cheer of rejoice as I have finally been fully paid for that APRIL mailroom job. I haven't been paid promptly for my photocopying job but this time I didn't wait. I called to check up on it today. No one answered the phone but it's better than leaving it alone for a month. Last night, two things of note were on the telly. Since my Sox were off, I watched a little of the PawSox game. It's kinda weird knowing so many of the players but it was even stranger for me to me be happy that Enrique Wilson hit a grand slam. There's a lot of talk when Sox go to the Yankee organization but no one really discusses the other way around. (I'm still convinced Ramiero Mendoza was still on the Yankee payroll when he played in Boston) John Flarety retired instead of playing for the Sox but we may not have gotten Doug Mirabelli back if he didn't so I think that was for the best. The other thing I watched was The Amazing History of Superman . I thought it wa...

It's Like I Should Post Every Hour...

Saturday night, we went to see The DaVinci Code . I liked it. One: the book is a work of fiction so everything in it isn't necessarily true anyway so the Catholic Church should just shut the hell up. It is true that they also don't acknowledge Jesus had a brother, an early leader in the Christian Church, which has been recently proven, because it destroys their belief Mary never had sex. Ever. Could have Jesus gotten some with Mary Magdalene and knocked her up? Why not? I mean there are several places in the Bible where he acted like a normal human... As to the movie itself, acting by the supporting players impressed me more than the main actors. Sir Ian McKellan rocked as did token French actor Jean Reno. (If a movie needs a French actor, there he is.) Paul Bettany did a remarkable job as Silas considering what a wiseass he is in real life. Tom Hanks was fine and it was good to get the old Tom back after such films as Road to Perdition , which was a good film but you know ...

More Concert Going

Yesterday afternoon, one of my church school "co-workers" had a concert at one of the local high schools as part of their Freshman Chorus. They performed showtunes both classic and more modern. Three or so of the musicals featured I haven't seen and two or so I've never even heard of. I've wanted to see Wicked for awhile and haven't had the opportunity yet but someday... These were very talented kids. Even the guys who I frankly assumed in this day and age of homophobia joined up just to meet chicks. If you saw these girls you'd think the same thing. Having two of them perform "What Lola Wants" didn't help. The following scene from Two and a Half Men came to mind as I watched this concert: 16 Year Old Prudence: Could you put some lotion on my shoulders? Alan hesitates. Prudence: If you don't, I'll burn... Alan: If I do , I'll burn... Ah, but it was great fun... Tomorrow afternoon, my mother's church has their Church Pi...

Experiences, Educational And Not

Yesterday, my family and a went down to New York with a couple of my mother's colleagues to the Jewish Heritage Museum. It was quite an experience from two men quoting whole episodes of M.A.S.H. and Mork and Mindy on the drive down to seeing Heinrich Himmler's personal copy of Mein Kampf . I, of course, knew that the Nazis persecuted Jews, homosexuals, and non-whites but I was unaware until yesterday that Jehovah Witnesses were also persecuted. (Insert your own politically incorrect joke here.) There was a few other things I was not aware of as well. I highly recommend you all go down to see it. This week, I got two more movies out of the library. The first I watched was Serenity . I'm sure I mentioned somewhere how much I couldn't stand Firefly as a TV show but I'm happy to report that the concept works so much better as a movie. I attribute it to a bigger budget but maybe that's too obvious an explanation. I just so love Joss Whedon's dialogue. Giv...

Doll House Shingle Painting and Concert Going

Spiteful Loner You are 57% Rational, 14% Extroverted, 57% Brutal, and 42% Arrogant. You are the Spiteful Loner, the personality type that is most likely to go on a shooting rampage. In high school, you were probably that kid who wore all black and who sat alone in a corner of the lunch room, drawing pictures of dead babies. You are a rational person and tend to hold emotions in very low-esteem; not only that, but you are also rather introverted, meaning you probably bury any emotions you feel deep inside yourself, like all of the bodies in your backyard. Combine these traits with your dislike of others and your brutality, and it seems that you would be quite likely to shoot innocent people in a rampage. Most likely, you also have low self-esteem. Hell, I get low self-esteem just looking at you. This is only yet one more incentive to go on a shooting rampage, because you wouldn't care if you died as a result. Granted, you probably haven't gone on a shooting rampage and probably ...

More Fairly Random Musings As It Is My Primary Thought Pattern...

I did not have to go into town to pick up the check. (No, this is good news.) It was deposited directly into my account yesterday. I checked and money was indeed deposited! Woo Hoo! This was pay for the uncontested Tuesday through Thursday only but it's a start. When I asked about that controversial Monday pay, I was told next week. I'm worried she thought I was referring to "Photocopying Thursday" but we'll be depressed about that bridge when we come to it... Also yesterday, we went to the library where my mother wanted to get out a movie and my father wanted to check out a book. I came along for the hell of it. Neither could find their library card so I used mine. This of course means that all late fees will be charged to my record. How nice of me. I considered checking out the movie The Good Girl for myself as I've only seen a scene here and there but, as Friends with Money is still fairly fresh in my mind, I wasn't sure if I could take another se...

Paycheck Update

I was told today on the phone that the check will be FedXed to their office for me to pick up tomorrow. Yay! My agency was working through a middle man and not directly with the insurance company itself and these other two companies weren't talking to each other. Don't you just love bureaucracy? I'm just so glad it's over. (And it better be over...)