My parents have started their vacation and I've started my vacation from them. I realize my last post may have been a little too geeky even for me. It is possible I just have a quirky sense of humor that's easily ignored. We shall see although, I admit, there are times I do not like being ignored.
In other news, the Sox-Braves game last night gave me fits. And they won! They're trying to kill me, I swear! One more word on this topic: will it be a good thing to put a pitcher on the mound that the royally sucky KC Royals dumped? I mean if they aren't willing to use him, and I'm sure they need pitching, he has to really suck. I think it was Francona who suggested he may pitch better on a contender. That's not my personality at all. I wouldn't say to myself, "We suck so I'm going to feel free to suck." Then again, I see the glass as half-full only half the time...
We went to a joint graduation party for neighboring high school graduates we know. The music variety was awesome. The girls and their parents must have combined their catalogs. The food was also very good. My father commented that the grads must have picked the menu as there were chips, cheese balls, mozzarella sticks. My thought on this, besides that I love mozzarella sticks though more hot and gooey, is that, if it was my party, I'd pick the menu too.
Yesterday was a busy day; at least by my standards. It was Children's Sunday so the children ran the service. Honestly, I think that was the best one we've had in awhile. As a teacher's assistant, I received a Border's card from my father the pastor and a box of chocolate crayons from one of the kids. It was cute.
My cousin from Oregon flew in for lunch as she's doing a mission trip thing in Western Mass. I'm guessing it had been over three years since we saw her last as the war began while were out there. So she wouldn't feel out of place, we celebrated Father's Day on Saturday instead.
In other news, the Sox-Braves game last night gave me fits. And they won! They're trying to kill me, I swear! One more word on this topic: will it be a good thing to put a pitcher on the mound that the royally sucky KC Royals dumped? I mean if they aren't willing to use him, and I'm sure they need pitching, he has to really suck. I think it was Francona who suggested he may pitch better on a contender. That's not my personality at all. I wouldn't say to myself, "We suck so I'm going to feel free to suck." Then again, I see the glass as half-full only half the time...
We went to a joint graduation party for neighboring high school graduates we know. The music variety was awesome. The girls and their parents must have combined their catalogs. The food was also very good. My father commented that the grads must have picked the menu as there were chips, cheese balls, mozzarella sticks. My thought on this, besides that I love mozzarella sticks though more hot and gooey, is that, if it was my party, I'd pick the menu too.
Yesterday was a busy day; at least by my standards. It was Children's Sunday so the children ran the service. Honestly, I think that was the best one we've had in awhile. As a teacher's assistant, I received a Border's card from my father the pastor and a box of chocolate crayons from one of the kids. It was cute.
My cousin from Oregon flew in for lunch as she's doing a mission trip thing in Western Mass. I'm guessing it had been over three years since we saw her last as the war began while were out there. So she wouldn't feel out of place, we celebrated Father's Day on Saturday instead.