Yesterday, my family and a went down to New York with a couple of my mother's colleagues to the Jewish Heritage Museum. It was quite an experience from two men quoting whole episodes of M.A.S.H. and Mork and Mindy on the drive down to seeing Heinrich Himmler's personal copy of Mein Kampf. I, of course, knew that the Nazis persecuted Jews, homosexuals, and non-whites but I was unaware until yesterday that Jehovah Witnesses were also persecuted. (Insert your own politically incorrect joke here.) There was a few other things I was not aware of as well. I highly recommend you all go down to see it.
This week, I got two more movies out of the library. The first I watched was Serenity. I'm sure I mentioned somewhere how much I couldn't stand Firefly as a TV show but I'm happy to report that the concept works so much better as a movie. I attribute it to a bigger budget but maybe that's too obvious an explanation. I just so love Joss Whedon's dialogue. Given that he was writing an X-men comic last I heard, I think they should take him seriously in taking over the franchise if the series is indeed not over.
I also saw the updated Manchurian Candidate. Wow. The acting in this was incredible. I still don't know what they were implying having Meryl Streep look like Hillary Clinton but she was deliciously evil. Obviously, there was only so many ways to advertise this movie so the mystery was way too obvious but I think the little twist at the end was still acceptably unexpected. Anyway, the acting is so good I don't think you'll care; I didn't.
In employment news, I received a letter to take another employment test at a nearby library. It's at one of the libraries I took a test previously but not in a town beginning with B or G. The position this time is for a substitute reference librarian as opposed to a permanent one so I find it hard to believe the level of expectation will be as high though it will be high enough I'm sure. The test will be at the end of the month.
Speaking of libraries I want to rant a bit about my library's Interlibrary Loan Policy. According to their website, You can't use ILL for "entertainment DVDs." I understand they may be worried about them being damaged in the mail but the phrase above implies to me that they will request DVDs from another library if it isn't entertaining. So, if I want to locate a movie on "How To Perform Colonoscopies at Home" that's worth risking damage but if I want to get out the first season of a TV series, hell no!
This week, I got two more movies out of the library. The first I watched was Serenity. I'm sure I mentioned somewhere how much I couldn't stand Firefly as a TV show but I'm happy to report that the concept works so much better as a movie. I attribute it to a bigger budget but maybe that's too obvious an explanation. I just so love Joss Whedon's dialogue. Given that he was writing an X-men comic last I heard, I think they should take him seriously in taking over the franchise if the series is indeed not over.
I also saw the updated Manchurian Candidate. Wow. The acting in this was incredible. I still don't know what they were implying having Meryl Streep look like Hillary Clinton but she was deliciously evil. Obviously, there was only so many ways to advertise this movie so the mystery was way too obvious but I think the little twist at the end was still acceptably unexpected. Anyway, the acting is so good I don't think you'll care; I didn't.
In employment news, I received a letter to take another employment test at a nearby library. It's at one of the libraries I took a test previously but not in a town beginning with B or G. The position this time is for a substitute reference librarian as opposed to a permanent one so I find it hard to believe the level of expectation will be as high though it will be high enough I'm sure. The test will be at the end of the month.
Speaking of libraries I want to rant a bit about my library's Interlibrary Loan Policy. According to their website, You can't use ILL for "entertainment DVDs." I understand they may be worried about them being damaged in the mail but the phrase above implies to me that they will request DVDs from another library if it isn't entertaining. So, if I want to locate a movie on "How To Perform Colonoscopies at Home" that's worth risking damage but if I want to get out the first season of a TV series, hell no!
I wasn't gonna give the new MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE a chance because it looked so glossy and action-y and I guess I liked the old one so much I was turned off by a lot in the trailer. But perhaps I will rethink my stance on it based on Meryl Clinton and your review.