Yesterday for lunch my aunt, roommate and I went to the 25th Annual Greek Festival held at the nearby Orthodox Church. The difference between this one and the one I went to in Hartford is this: they didn't have tirokopeida here just really good spanakopeida but the beer selection was so much better here as I didn't have to suffer through skanky beer but could get a local microbrew so, yay! After my dinner of leftover Chinese, we went back as there was an actual live band playing. The dancing was a let down as none of the really hot women seemed to participate... Since Stargate SG-1 has now ended, I suppose I should say a few words. While they didn't totally suck, I think the last two seasons were totally unnecessary. Adding new cast members is fine but I think people should have learned their lesson from Earth: Final Conflict and Andromeda . You don't change the plot of the show mid-stream. The fact all three shows were filmed next door to each other can't be a co...
Whatever opinions or views I wish to share, now including my new life in the great state of Maine, will appear here. Lucky You...