The Ultimate Survey <3
...::About Me::...<3
Full Name: William Henry Harrison
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5'11"
Shoe Size: 10.5
Ring Size: It was 6.5 in High School.
Graduating Year: H.S. was 1997, Undergrad was 2001, Grad was 2005 (January)
Birthdate: Oct. 26, 1977
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Concert: I think it was Peter Paul and Mary at the Cumberland County Civic Center in 1987...
Best Friend: My current roommate
Crush: My kindergarten teacher.
Pet: a yellow and white cat named Sunshine
Sport: I was never into competive sport
...::Have You Ever::...<3
Sky dived?: No.
Bungee jumped?: No.
Gone out of the country?: Canada only. (More than once, mind you...)
Beaten someone up?: No
Gotten beat up?: Not severely.
Killed an animal?: Do insects count?
Swum in the ocean?: Is "swum" a word?
Broken the law?: Underage drinking and public intoxication. (Not at the same time.)
Smoked?: No plans to.
Smoked weed?: No plans for this either.
Chewed tobacco?: Wow I'm boring...
Been drinking?: Um, you can't get busted for public intoxication if you haven't...
Been kissed?: Actually, no!
Been in love?: Twice.
Dumped someone?: No.
Been dumped?: Once definitely but mostly just shot down.
Broken someone's heart?: I don't think so.
Had your heart broken?: severely twice.
Liked someone who didn't return the sentiment?: Do you read this blog?
Broken a bone?: No, surprisingly
Had surgery?: Again, do you read this blog?
Had an X-ray or MRI?: I can never have another MRI again.
Failed a class?: Almost but no.
Color: Blue and orange
Food: macaroni and cheese
Drink: ice tea, Sprite and beer
Snack: Salty stuff I guess.
Cereal: currently Honey Nut Cheerios
Ice Cream: Edy's or Ben and Jerry's.
Candy: Snickers, Peanut Butter Cups or Junior Mints
Restaurant: Locally, Mesa Verde
Fast Food Joint: I've been liking Arby's lately.
Animal: cat
Quote: "Time is the fire in which we burn."
Sport to Play: Vollyeball, floor hockey
Sport to Watch: baseball, football, college basketball
Movie: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
TV Show: Currently Doctor Who
Type of Music: My favorite is Classic Rock
Singer/Band: The Traveling Wilburys
Song: Currently it's "Rehab" by Amy Winehouse.
Pepsi or Coke: Um, Pepsi
Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate
Cake or Ice Cream: cake
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonald's, I guess
Love or Money: love. ::sigh::
Music or TV: Music on TV!
Mom or Dad: They both have their pros and cons.
Truck or Car: two feet.
Ocean or Lake: lake
Yahoo or Hotmail: Yahoo!
Google or AJ: Who's AJ?
Light or Dark: Gray
Country or City: Suburbs
Rain or Sunshine: Sunshine (Duh!)
...::The Opposite Sex::...<3
First thing you notice?: Eyes
Personality or looks?: Personality
Hair color?: Whatever
Eye Color?: See above
Short or tall?: I don't think it matters as long as she's not Yao Ming size.
Romantic or spontaneous? both
Sense of humor or sweet? both
Hook up or relationship? I'm suppose to say "relationship"
Feeling: Lonely
Listening to: "Rebel Rebel"- David Bowie
Wanna: be done with this
Doing: this
Thinking About: Who that new email could be from.
Wearing: tee and shorts
In Love: with the thought of love
...::The Future::...<3
Career: may actaully get off the ground someday.
Marriage: I want to.
Kids: I want three. (Don't know why.)
...::About Me::...<3
Full Name: William Henry Harrison
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5'11"
Shoe Size: 10.5
Ring Size: It was 6.5 in High School.
Graduating Year: H.S. was 1997, Undergrad was 2001, Grad was 2005 (January)
Birthdate: Oct. 26, 1977
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Concert: I think it was Peter Paul and Mary at the Cumberland County Civic Center in 1987...
Best Friend: My current roommate
Crush: My kindergarten teacher.
Pet: a yellow and white cat named Sunshine
Sport: I was never into competive sport
...::Have You Ever::...<3
Sky dived?: No.
Bungee jumped?: No.
Gone out of the country?: Canada only. (More than once, mind you...)
Beaten someone up?: No
Gotten beat up?: Not severely.
Killed an animal?: Do insects count?
Swum in the ocean?: Is "swum" a word?
Broken the law?: Underage drinking and public intoxication. (Not at the same time.)
Smoked?: No plans to.
Smoked weed?: No plans for this either.
Chewed tobacco?: Wow I'm boring...
Been drinking?: Um, you can't get busted for public intoxication if you haven't...
Been kissed?: Actually, no!
Been in love?: Twice.
Dumped someone?: No.
Been dumped?: Once definitely but mostly just shot down.
Broken someone's heart?: I don't think so.
Had your heart broken?: severely twice.
Liked someone who didn't return the sentiment?: Do you read this blog?
Broken a bone?: No, surprisingly
Had surgery?: Again, do you read this blog?
Had an X-ray or MRI?: I can never have another MRI again.
Failed a class?: Almost but no.
Color: Blue and orange
Food: macaroni and cheese
Drink: ice tea, Sprite and beer
Snack: Salty stuff I guess.
Cereal: currently Honey Nut Cheerios
Ice Cream: Edy's or Ben and Jerry's.
Candy: Snickers, Peanut Butter Cups or Junior Mints
Restaurant: Locally, Mesa Verde
Fast Food Joint: I've been liking Arby's lately.
Animal: cat
Quote: "Time is the fire in which we burn."
Sport to Play: Vollyeball, floor hockey
Sport to Watch: baseball, football, college basketball
Movie: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
TV Show: Currently Doctor Who
Type of Music: My favorite is Classic Rock
Singer/Band: The Traveling Wilburys
Song: Currently it's "Rehab" by Amy Winehouse.
Pepsi or Coke: Um, Pepsi
Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate
Cake or Ice Cream: cake
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonald's, I guess
Love or Money: love. ::sigh::
Music or TV: Music on TV!
Mom or Dad: They both have their pros and cons.
Truck or Car: two feet.
Ocean or Lake: lake
Yahoo or Hotmail: Yahoo!
Google or AJ: Who's AJ?
Light or Dark: Gray
Country or City: Suburbs
Rain or Sunshine: Sunshine (Duh!)
...::The Opposite Sex::...<3
First thing you notice?: Eyes
Personality or looks?: Personality
Hair color?: Whatever
Eye Color?: See above
Short or tall?: I don't think it matters as long as she's not Yao Ming size.
Romantic or spontaneous? both
Sense of humor or sweet? both
Hook up or relationship? I'm suppose to say "relationship"
Feeling: Lonely
Listening to: "Rebel Rebel"- David Bowie
Wanna: be done with this
Doing: this
Thinking About: Who that new email could be from.
Wearing: tee and shorts
In Love: with the thought of love
...::The Future::...<3
Career: may actaully get off the ground someday.
Marriage: I want to.
Kids: I want three. (Don't know why.)