Thursday, I drove up to Bangor to see the play "A Year With Frog and Toad," which my second cousin was in, with my uncle and grandmother. My aunt and parents met us there. A drive that would normally take like 2 and half hours took about 5 because, well, the weather was just so awesome...
The musical was great, as I still love the stories, with, honestly, the best parts thanks to my cousin as Snail and "The Terribly Huge and Hugely Terrible Frog."
The best part of the evening came when we were going to our cars. (I and my traveling companions were going to my parents for the weekend.) My uncle goes to his car and can't unlock the door. We all assume the lock is frozen. My father down the street opened his car just fine so he didn't know what was going on. My uncle kept kicking the door with the side of his foot to no avail. By now, I'm sure you smart readers have deduced that it wasn't his car! Good times...
I was intending to drive back down on Friday but I get a call, well, two actually, that we have no power down here in Portland. My cousin asks if I could check on the cat for him. I was visiting extended family in Bucksport meaning I'd have to sleep in a cold dark apartment if the power wasn't on (It didn't occur to anybody until later they could call the apartment to see if the answering machine came on) or I could just go spend another night at my parents. I choose the latter with the guidance of my mother...
We watched Get Smart on demand. It really does capture the series quite well. The surprise ending with Duane Johnson wasn't a surprise and Smart and 99 got together way too easily but I loved it despite all that.
Saturday, after attending the grand opening of the thrift shop of my mother's church, the plan was for me to take the bus home. (I was informed the night before the power had returned.) A parishioner told my mother a group just happened to be headed to Portland to shop so I hitched a ride getting home about 5 hours earlier! Yay!
Why did I make such an idiotically short trip when I'm just going back up on Saturday? Well, mainly because of work tomorrow and piles of work in the library but tonight was the Seminary Christmas Party. It was a great time with perhaps even better food than last year (homemade feast) but I couldn't shake the feeling it was missing something. Like caroling...
The musical was great, as I still love the stories, with, honestly, the best parts thanks to my cousin as Snail and "The Terribly Huge and Hugely Terrible Frog."
The best part of the evening came when we were going to our cars. (I and my traveling companions were going to my parents for the weekend.) My uncle goes to his car and can't unlock the door. We all assume the lock is frozen. My father down the street opened his car just fine so he didn't know what was going on. My uncle kept kicking the door with the side of his foot to no avail. By now, I'm sure you smart readers have deduced that it wasn't his car! Good times...
I was intending to drive back down on Friday but I get a call, well, two actually, that we have no power down here in Portland. My cousin asks if I could check on the cat for him. I was visiting extended family in Bucksport meaning I'd have to sleep in a cold dark apartment if the power wasn't on (It didn't occur to anybody until later they could call the apartment to see if the answering machine came on) or I could just go spend another night at my parents. I choose the latter with the guidance of my mother...
We watched Get Smart on demand. It really does capture the series quite well. The surprise ending with Duane Johnson wasn't a surprise and Smart and 99 got together way too easily but I loved it despite all that.
Saturday, after attending the grand opening of the thrift shop of my mother's church, the plan was for me to take the bus home. (I was informed the night before the power had returned.) A parishioner told my mother a group just happened to be headed to Portland to shop so I hitched a ride getting home about 5 hours earlier! Yay!
Why did I make such an idiotically short trip when I'm just going back up on Saturday? Well, mainly because of work tomorrow and piles of work in the library but tonight was the Seminary Christmas Party. It was a great time with perhaps even better food than last year (homemade feast) but I couldn't shake the feeling it was missing something. Like caroling...