Because I know you all care, I figured I'd get on this here blog to report that tomorrow I'm back up north to cat-sit. My parents are going on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic for about a week and we all figured poor Susie would be happier not only having someone there full-time instead of just dropping by once a day but someone she knows and loves. This is where I come in...
I hope to use this time to finish Spring Thaw; as is the tentative title of my current novella. (I bet none of you can guess what it's a sequel to...) I figure I have only forty or fifty more pages in me while keeping the door to the plot bunny hutch tightly shut. Though the main plot of the third book in the series, unoriginally titled Summer Heat at this time, has so far eluded me, scenes that didn't make the cut for this book will surely be in it...
Back to Spring Thaw, is there precedence, if you signed only a one book deal as I did, for finding a different publisher for a sequel? Unlike others, I'm not furiously dissatisfied with PublishAmerica but I would like to investigate other options. You know, ones that ensure I won't be blown off by lame publications such as The West End News...
Oh and prayer that the bus I'm on doesn't end up lost in [Insert Made-Up Town Here]...
I hope to use this time to finish Spring Thaw; as is the tentative title of my current novella. (I bet none of you can guess what it's a sequel to...) I figure I have only forty or fifty more pages in me while keeping the door to the plot bunny hutch tightly shut. Though the main plot of the third book in the series, unoriginally titled Summer Heat at this time, has so far eluded me, scenes that didn't make the cut for this book will surely be in it...
Back to Spring Thaw, is there precedence, if you signed only a one book deal as I did, for finding a different publisher for a sequel? Unlike others, I'm not furiously dissatisfied with PublishAmerica but I would like to investigate other options. You know, ones that ensure I won't be blown off by lame publications such as The West End News...
Oh and prayer that the bus I'm on doesn't end up lost in [Insert Made-Up Town Here]...