Today, relatives came to my aunt's apartment (Did I mention that she lives in our building now?) to celebrate my grandfather's 87th birthday. Nothing completely annoying happened but it frankly tests my love of mature conversation. It didn't help that it was scheduled during a Red Sox game. I had heard all the news already. I don't care if my uncle is shopping around for truck to plow is driveway...
I don't think I mentioned this last time I did it but for the second time, I was the roamer/floater for my Sunday school this morning. All you do really is wander back and forth between the classes and make sure there's no murder or molestation going on. OK, there's more of a point than that but you understand...
Yesterday, I went to the mall and got my haircut. The guy who cut my hair asked me twice if it started raining yet. Do I get weather reports beamed to my brain every ten minutes? Sadly, no.
When I returned home, I started to do some writing but was interrupted by my roommate who's beta OS was expiring and he needed to reload Windows again. This was about 6pm in the evening, mind you. When he asked for help, I figured he just needed help typing in a password or dropped his mouse again. When I told him I was in the middle of writing, he was quite apathetic claiming he needed to do it so he had audio to listen to that night. So we search and search for the disk we need and end up just making a new one. Long story short, it only loads 4 more files on his iPhone meaning he already had 86 files on the phone that damn well would have gotten him through the night. I'm still pissed. Between him and his neurotic cat, it's a wonder I get any time to myself...
I don't think I mentioned this last time I did it but for the second time, I was the roamer/floater for my Sunday school this morning. All you do really is wander back and forth between the classes and make sure there's no murder or molestation going on. OK, there's more of a point than that but you understand...
Yesterday, I went to the mall and got my haircut. The guy who cut my hair asked me twice if it started raining yet. Do I get weather reports beamed to my brain every ten minutes? Sadly, no.
When I returned home, I started to do some writing but was interrupted by my roommate who's beta OS was expiring and he needed to reload Windows again. This was about 6pm in the evening, mind you. When he asked for help, I figured he just needed help typing in a password or dropped his mouse again. When I told him I was in the middle of writing, he was quite apathetic claiming he needed to do it so he had audio to listen to that night. So we search and search for the disk we need and end up just making a new one. Long story short, it only loads 4 more files on his iPhone meaning he already had 86 files on the phone that damn well would have gotten him through the night. I'm still pissed. Between him and his neurotic cat, it's a wonder I get any time to myself...