1. With the exception of two episodes of Courtney Cox's Cougar Town which as only two things going for it,Cox and co-star Crista Miller, I've really only started watching two new shows: NCIS: Los Angeles and Stargate: Universe.
I can see now why producers or CBS or both didn't want it called NCIS: Special Projects or whatever. Supposedly, they're an uncover branch of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service but aside from a scene here or there, they never go undercover! When reading about it, it sounded like a cross between NCIS and Mission: Impossible which is an awesome concept. In reality, the difference between this and the show it spun-off from is the same difference between CSI and CSI: Miami. I will say Linda Hunt as Hetty Lange makes the show worth watching anyway.
I'm curious to see where Stargate: Universe goes. The tone is darker than the previous series akin to Deep Space Nine. That show wasn't as well received as the other Star Trek series but was my favorite. Also, after two episodes (I haven't watched this week's yet.), I'm not really liking the characters but like Enterprise, I'm sure that'll change. Finally, the method they use to communicate with Earth is bloody confusing to watch. I hope they clear that up soon.
2. Why are James Gang songs used as Joe Walsh tunes? I mean radio stations usually play at least 3 actual solo tunes so even lame ones have no excuse. It's like counting Beatle songs as George Harrison's...
3. I don't know who doesn't know but I'm in the process of publishing my second book. I've seen the page proofs and am now in wait mode as a copyright issue concerning a poem I included is cleared up. In my defense the poem had to be public domain but I wrote one myself anyway. I have yet to hear back. I hope it's not too much longer as I'm dying to see the cover!
4. I had to wear my winter jacket today walking down the bank. It's only mid-October! I did discover I need gloves though...
I can see now why producers or CBS or both didn't want it called NCIS: Special Projects or whatever. Supposedly, they're an uncover branch of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service but aside from a scene here or there, they never go undercover! When reading about it, it sounded like a cross between NCIS and Mission: Impossible which is an awesome concept. In reality, the difference between this and the show it spun-off from is the same difference between CSI and CSI: Miami. I will say Linda Hunt as Hetty Lange makes the show worth watching anyway.
I'm curious to see where Stargate: Universe goes. The tone is darker than the previous series akin to Deep Space Nine. That show wasn't as well received as the other Star Trek series but was my favorite. Also, after two episodes (I haven't watched this week's yet.), I'm not really liking the characters but like Enterprise, I'm sure that'll change. Finally, the method they use to communicate with Earth is bloody confusing to watch. I hope they clear that up soon.
2. Why are James Gang songs used as Joe Walsh tunes? I mean radio stations usually play at least 3 actual solo tunes so even lame ones have no excuse. It's like counting Beatle songs as George Harrison's...
3. I don't know who doesn't know but I'm in the process of publishing my second book. I've seen the page proofs and am now in wait mode as a copyright issue concerning a poem I included is cleared up. In my defense the poem had to be public domain but I wrote one myself anyway. I have yet to hear back. I hope it's not too much longer as I'm dying to see the cover!
4. I had to wear my winter jacket today walking down the bank. It's only mid-October! I did discover I need gloves though...