1. The International-This is one of those movies I like to call "reference material." The plot of a bank cornering the market on weapons deals to third world countries is something I wish I came up with first. The acting was superb. For some reason, I kept thinking what a great join Naomi Watts was doing hiding her accent as if she'd never done that before... The ending was both cool and WTF at the same time. I can't really explain it better without ruining the whole thing.
2. Push-Fascinating cast. The plot was interesting as well. I don't know how I feel that everyone has one of only four superpowers. I can't decide if that's more realistic or less...The ending wasn't great but as I sit here typing this, I can't remember why...
3. G-Force- This was a favorite of the weekend I think. Tracy Morgan as Blaster and Penelope Cruz as Juarez I think were my favorite characters. So much fun.
4. The Lovely Bones- Our company and I went out to see this on Saturday while my cousin had other plans. The murder mystery part of this was great. The What Dreams May Come surrealistic scenes where tedious and so unneeded.
5. The Taking of Pelham 123- This is one of those movies I have to reluctantly admit John Travolta is a good actor. This is also one of those movies I worry will have pointless action sequences but it really didn't and I'm grateful. The ending wasn't bad but but it was little more than a shrug-off. Whatever.
6.Knowing-The action sequences that weren't in the previous movie were in this one. Overall, I really enjoyed this movie but I have quibbles. The time capsule was only buried for 50 years? I would have waited for the hundred-year mark myself. I have no problem with how the movie was resolved; despite how cliqued our friend thought it was. My problem was what happened after that...
7. The Hangover-Great movie. So many great moments. Watching Zach Galifianakis, first in G-Force then this, makes me very impressed with him. He gots mad skillz.
8. The Ugly Truth- Another raunchy romantic comedy with Katherine Heigl. Very good movie though let's be honest: Knocked Up was just slightly better. This movie ended the way I hoped it would. ::happydance::
2. Push-Fascinating cast. The plot was interesting as well. I don't know how I feel that everyone has one of only four superpowers. I can't decide if that's more realistic or less...The ending wasn't great but as I sit here typing this, I can't remember why...
3. G-Force- This was a favorite of the weekend I think. Tracy Morgan as Blaster and Penelope Cruz as Juarez I think were my favorite characters. So much fun.
4. The Lovely Bones- Our company and I went out to see this on Saturday while my cousin had other plans. The murder mystery part of this was great. The What Dreams May Come surrealistic scenes where tedious and so unneeded.
5. The Taking of Pelham 123- This is one of those movies I have to reluctantly admit John Travolta is a good actor. This is also one of those movies I worry will have pointless action sequences but it really didn't and I'm grateful. The ending wasn't bad but but it was little more than a shrug-off. Whatever.
6.Knowing-The action sequences that weren't in the previous movie were in this one. Overall, I really enjoyed this movie but I have quibbles. The time capsule was only buried for 50 years? I would have waited for the hundred-year mark myself. I have no problem with how the movie was resolved; despite how cliqued our friend thought it was. My problem was what happened after that...
7. The Hangover-Great movie. So many great moments. Watching Zach Galifianakis, first in G-Force then this, makes me very impressed with him. He gots mad skillz.
8. The Ugly Truth- Another raunchy romantic comedy with Katherine Heigl. Very good movie though let's be honest: Knocked Up was just slightly better. This movie ended the way I hoped it would. ::happydance::