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It's Not Nice To Insult the Mentally Ill...

I'm sure I'll lose followers for this but my head is about to blow apart.

Politicians on both sides of the aisle have made idiotic statements. Dan Quayle said "A Mind is a terrible thing to waste and not to have a mind is being very wasteful." Al Gore invented the internet. John Kerry's favorite Red Sox is "Manny Ortez." George W. Bush made up his own vocabulary. (Which may in fact just make him a trendsetter.) Our own Vice President Biden called Obama "clean and articulate" and later was asked on the ticket!

I won't argue with Sarah. Maybe she can see Russia from her house. I mean it is a pretty damn big country... What I can't forgive her for though is her irresponsibility posting a political enemies list and actually calling it a "Hit List." Her folksy charm may be amusing to city mice with Master's degrees but that isn't the audience she speaks to; or possibly for. It's the everyman gun enthusiast or the CEO who'll probably be visited by three ghosts some Christmas. The former lives in small towns that are still 99.9% white. The CEOs have such hard lives. They pay themselves 50 billion a year to sit their liposuctioned asses in high rise offices while their kids are off scoring drugs and getting knocked up by football players who fancy themselves rap stars. Neither group seem to care about their fellow man. Certainly not if they have to pay for it. The former group will believe it (The latter group is much too busy scamming people out of their money to care.) if they're told one out of ten Arabs is a Muslim terrorist or vegans' heads are shrinking. (I don't know what the latter has to do with politics but Glenn Beck has said both...)

The Tea Party (The Kool-Aid Party? The Whine and Cheese party?) plays on the xenophobic fears of voters. Arizona is crazy. (They need to bring back Wyatt Earp to restore order.) Here in Maine, our Franco-American governor's first official act was to repeal the directive that government agencies must help people whether they're a citizen or not. Who cares if they freeze to death; they can't legally vote anyway. I can't help but think what the Native American population might have done if we didn't come in with guns. Oh! They shared their food and supplies and gave planting techniques...

While I'm ranting, let's get into this belief people must automatically know English when the come over here. English is a hard language to learn. For one thing, we place the adjective before the noun when every other language places it after. Besides, French language stations have been on cable systems from the beginning and still are so someone hasn't gotten the message.


Susan said…
Right on, Brother!!
walia said…
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