Maybe you wish I had...
Busy week. Probably mentioned a choral group that has rehearsed at my church before to some but may not have blogged about it. Anyway, this year in addition to 6 Sunday afternoons in a row, this year, they used the church for a week as well. Longer days. Much extra money for me. Yay! I know I blogged about the prima donna pianist that accompanied the string quartet years ago. Well, this group had a harpist. (Or a "harpie" as I came to refer to her. ) Anyway, long story short, she got me in trouble with the sexton and managed to piss off the director himself with her antics. Did I mention the extra money was good?
Speaking of money, I officially sold another copy of my first novella, Winter Storm. You can't buy a candy bar (at the "high school price" for that matter) with the amount of money I made but how many books have you published?
So the health drama continues. Clearly, mid-next month is longer than three days. Their billing department apparently figured out where to send my bill. I joked with my boss the other day that I should ask for them to send the frigging paperwork... Anyway, I called twice so I'm now trying email which seems like going backwards but maybe I'm old fashioned. We'll see...
The Seminary had their second annual Follies (or variety show) on Friday. I was unable to attend last year, I think, because that was the during the time my cousin's fiancee and entourage were visiting from Alaska and I went off to my parents to hide. Anyway, I couldn't decide what I wanted to do but all three ideas I was mulling over would probably have worked in hindsight. Oh well. I did make a casserole, from memory I might add, for the potluck beforehand. And yes, I made it myself...
As any good variety show, the acts ranged from the serious to the criminally stupid. The performance of this particular song was a highlight:
So my current roommate gave her kidney to her father this week which now makes the apartment a rehab facility. Not a good time for the cable company to discover we had stopped paying the bill for bare-bones cable probably over a year ago and that they never cut us off. For the most part, all my shows are on Hulu except the CBS stuff. It seems the new episodes go up on their website by the next day. I remember when you had to wait a whole week. Is this a commentary on society?
Busy week. Probably mentioned a choral group that has rehearsed at my church before to some but may not have blogged about it. Anyway, this year in addition to 6 Sunday afternoons in a row, this year, they used the church for a week as well. Longer days. Much extra money for me. Yay! I know I blogged about the prima donna pianist that accompanied the string quartet years ago. Well, this group had a harpist. (Or a "harpie" as I came to refer to her. ) Anyway, long story short, she got me in trouble with the sexton and managed to piss off the director himself with her antics. Did I mention the extra money was good?
Speaking of money, I officially sold another copy of my first novella, Winter Storm. You can't buy a candy bar (at the "high school price" for that matter) with the amount of money I made but how many books have you published?
So the health drama continues. Clearly, mid-next month is longer than three days. Their billing department apparently figured out where to send my bill. I joked with my boss the other day that I should ask for them to send the frigging paperwork... Anyway, I called twice so I'm now trying email which seems like going backwards but maybe I'm old fashioned. We'll see...
The Seminary had their second annual Follies (or variety show) on Friday. I was unable to attend last year, I think, because that was the during the time my cousin's fiancee and entourage were visiting from Alaska and I went off to my parents to hide. Anyway, I couldn't decide what I wanted to do but all three ideas I was mulling over would probably have worked in hindsight. Oh well. I did make a casserole, from memory I might add, for the potluck beforehand. And yes, I made it myself...
As any good variety show, the acts ranged from the serious to the criminally stupid. The performance of this particular song was a highlight:
So my current roommate gave her kidney to her father this week which now makes the apartment a rehab facility. Not a good time for the cable company to discover we had stopped paying the bill for bare-bones cable probably over a year ago and that they never cut us off. For the most part, all my shows are on Hulu except the CBS stuff. It seems the new episodes go up on their website by the next day. I remember when you had to wait a whole week. Is this a commentary on society?