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Brain Dump

Several topics have been ruminating in my head for days and I need to unpack them. Some are extremely trivial; especially compared to some of the other things I want to discuss, vent or whatever about but if you can't do that on your own blog, what is the point of having a blog?

1.  The Red Sox have been awesome and impressive this season.  What a turnaround.  I'm sure Juan Nieves  does the bulk of the work with the pitching staff . The improvement of the bullpen could be all him for all I know but Jon Lester and Clay Buchholz have definitely benefited from the return of John Farrell.

      Pitching and defense may win games but the offense has not disappointed. Whenever the team is able to play again, Ortiz will be back.  Sure he's not going to hit 50 homers but we'll probably get 20-30 added to the mix which would be awesome!

2.  The search for the second fugitive has cancelled not only the game (despite all the talk yesterday from player on how the people of New England need something else to watch besides news coverage. Sure, with public transportation shut down, not even kids eating free and five dollar beers will fill the seats...) but apparently CBS has decided not to show Vegas  and instead will have a fucking news special where nothing new will be discussed.  (I apologize for the swearing but spell check won't accept substitutions...) Sure, the incident in Boston hits closer to home than 9/11 did as I actually know people affected but they're home safe.  Let us watch something else!

3.  Recently, the Senate rejected a bill to improve background checks for gun purchases.  I don't want suggest the NRA are the only bad lobbyist group but in this case their interference was clear.  (It just occurred to me NRA member Tom Selleck's show (I'm pretty sure) is still on tonight...) When Susan Collins, whom I will never vote for, chides her colleagues  FOR NOT EVEN READING THE BILL, you know the American people's interests were not served.  (Despite idiotic Facebook comments to the contrary.)

The Republicans seem hell bent on keeping the 2nd Amendment the way it is claiming the Constitution is the all-powerful document that shouldn't be messed with all the while trying to repeal the The 14th Amendment and, in North Carolina, trying to dissolve the separation of church and state.  (Yes, I know that failed but the fact they tried at all is pathetic.) 

I can only think of three things you do with guns: kill people, kill animals for sport and shooting out streetlights which is vandalism and illegal.  Admittedly, none of these things interest me in the least.
"Because we can" is the common response I get when I bring up these three things.  That in turn makes me think of this clip...  

4.  The Beauty and the Beast remake irritates the crap out of me. I was a huge fan of the original show. The part I loved best was the Tunnel World and it's mythology (whom you can credit a great deal to Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin). The new show doesn't have this.  They do have a bastardized version of the opening speech. Supposedly, Vincent and "Cat" still can't be together but manage to have sex at least once an episode. Say what? In their defense, I will say the storyline isn't terrible, it's just not Beauty and the Beast.  Oh, although, I'm pretty sure you can't trick a voice activated door lock to a black ops facility with voice mail message...


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