Recently, in movie news it was announced the Marvel speedster Quicksilver would appear in both Avengers 2 (with his sister Scarlet Witch) and in the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past. (Then Warner Brothers announced a Flash movie would happen but more on that in a minute...)
As many geeks, but maybe not average moviegoers, know, Marvel Studios does not own the live-action "X-Universe"; Fox does. However, some characters, like Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch can be used by both with a few provisos. Marvel can't mention that they are mutants, meaning some other reason they have powers will probably have to addressed, and that their father is Magneto. Since Wanda is not appearing in X-Men, Fox may not have to gloss over much. Maybe the fact Quicksilver was married to the Inhuman, Crystal? That's not likely to come up in conversation...
Anyway, DC Comics had a superhero with super speed first. There have been three Flashes in the comics. All, important anyway, appearences on TV or in movies (Live action and animated) have been an amalgam of the last 2: Barry Allen and Wally West. At Comic Con this year, it was announced, once again, there would be a Flash movie in the next few years.
There still might be but some other news cropped up even more recently: Barry Allen will appear on one of my favorite new series of this past season, Arrow, and spin-off into another show. I loved the short-lived series back in the early 90's so this appeals to me. And as producers have mentioned, the dark brooding Oliver combined with the more light-hearted Barry will be fun. (Shameless plug for "Cold Reception in Central City" if that dynamic appeals to you...) My question is this: Arrow takes a realistic, basically Christopher Nolan-esque, approach to a comicbook show. How exactly will adding a guy who can run fast work exactly? Producers say that they just add powers to the universe and it'll be just that more shocking. I'll believe it when I see it...
As many geeks, but maybe not average moviegoers, know, Marvel Studios does not own the live-action "X-Universe"; Fox does. However, some characters, like Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch can be used by both with a few provisos. Marvel can't mention that they are mutants, meaning some other reason they have powers will probably have to addressed, and that their father is Magneto. Since Wanda is not appearing in X-Men, Fox may not have to gloss over much. Maybe the fact Quicksilver was married to the Inhuman, Crystal? That's not likely to come up in conversation...
Anyway, DC Comics had a superhero with super speed first. There have been three Flashes in the comics. All, important anyway, appearences on TV or in movies (Live action and animated) have been an amalgam of the last 2: Barry Allen and Wally West. At Comic Con this year, it was announced, once again, there would be a Flash movie in the next few years.
There still might be but some other news cropped up even more recently: Barry Allen will appear on one of my favorite new series of this past season, Arrow, and spin-off into another show. I loved the short-lived series back in the early 90's so this appeals to me. And as producers have mentioned, the dark brooding Oliver combined with the more light-hearted Barry will be fun. (Shameless plug for "Cold Reception in Central City" if that dynamic appeals to you...) My question is this: Arrow takes a realistic, basically Christopher Nolan-esque, approach to a comicbook show. How exactly will adding a guy who can run fast work exactly? Producers say that they just add powers to the universe and it'll be just that more shocking. I'll believe it when I see it...