After a decade of doing this blog, people have finally requested movie reviews so without further dithering here we go! Movies I've watched recently in approximate order: 1. Thanks For S haring- Mark Ruffalo, Tim Robbins and Josh Gadd play sex addicts on various stages of recovery. After 5 years of recovery, Robbins feels it's time for Rufffalo to start dating again. Enter Gweneth Paltrow. The other two have their own issues. For me, the different storylines rotate around as far as my interest in them which definitely keeps my interest in the movie as a whole. The only complaint really is that it wraps up a little too easily at the end but that's a problem with many movies, isn't it? 2. Silver Lining Playbook- When I first heard about a movie about two mentally ill people finding each other, I feared it would be much too painful to watch but I was pleasantly surprised. This was a fantastic film. I'd be lying if I said the na...
Whatever opinions or views I wish to share, now including my new life in the great state of Maine, will appear here. Lucky You...