Last time I focused on the race for Governor here in Maine. Today, my thoughts on the Race for Senate.
First up, an ad from incumbent Susan Collins' opponent, Shenna Bellows:
She doesn't come right and say in this ad we need to raise the minimum wage but she does imply that, just as veterans and the elderly, and I would include all people below the poverty line, should not have to choose between eating and paying for their meds, people in the lower middle class bracket should not have to work 55+ hour weeks just to provide for their family and in consequence never actually SEE their family...
Let me tell you right out, I hate Out of State ads on both sides of the aisle so this one doesn't exactly excite me but I can't say everything said here is 100% wrong. Collins' people will tell you she is one of the most bi-partisan senators in Washington. At some point,I think even I have noted her votes are less than the 85% party line she used to vote during the Bush years. I applauded her for after the gun control bill failed and she complained that her colleague "didn't even read the bill" before shooting it down. That all said, voting more than 50% with these congressional Republicans is unacceptable. I've noted the you must have to be bat-shit crazy to be in the Tea Party... Olympia Snow, who's record shows is more bipartisan than Collins probably will ever be basically retired. Arlen Specter switched parties. Colin Powell endorsed Obama. Susan needs to step up to the bullies of her party the same way Margaret Chase Smith stood up to Joseph McCarthy low those many decades ago (and my own great-grandfather, Frank Fellows congressman from Maine's 3rd district, I'm told thought she was a bitch...). I leave you with words from Collins herself when she ran for the senate the first time:
As you'll notice this video was actually made for the last race and she's now going for her FOURTH TERM. Yeah, she could have changed her mind but Republicans always call out Democrats for doing it (In fact Independent candidate for Governor, Eliot Cutler strongly implied that of Mike Michaud in a recent ad of his...) so turnabout is more than fair play. Here I can't help but be reminded of Collins' friend, Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut who lost the Democratic Primary to Ned Lamont but, not taking the hint, ran anyway as an Independent. (And yes, still won.)
First up, an ad from incumbent Susan Collins' opponent, Shenna Bellows:
She doesn't come right and say in this ad we need to raise the minimum wage but she does imply that, just as veterans and the elderly, and I would include all people below the poverty line, should not have to choose between eating and paying for their meds, people in the lower middle class bracket should not have to work 55+ hour weeks just to provide for their family and in consequence never actually SEE their family...
Let me tell you right out, I hate Out of State ads on both sides of the aisle so this one doesn't exactly excite me but I can't say everything said here is 100% wrong. Collins' people will tell you she is one of the most bi-partisan senators in Washington. At some point,I think even I have noted her votes are less than the 85% party line she used to vote during the Bush years. I applauded her for after the gun control bill failed and she complained that her colleague "didn't even read the bill" before shooting it down. That all said, voting more than 50% with these congressional Republicans is unacceptable. I've noted the you must have to be bat-shit crazy to be in the Tea Party... Olympia Snow, who's record shows is more bipartisan than Collins probably will ever be basically retired. Arlen Specter switched parties. Colin Powell endorsed Obama. Susan needs to step up to the bullies of her party the same way Margaret Chase Smith stood up to Joseph McCarthy low those many decades ago (and my own great-grandfather, Frank Fellows congressman from Maine's 3rd district, I'm told thought she was a bitch...). I leave you with words from Collins herself when she ran for the senate the first time:
As you'll notice this video was actually made for the last race and she's now going for her FOURTH TERM. Yeah, she could have changed her mind but Republicans always call out Democrats for doing it (In fact Independent candidate for Governor, Eliot Cutler strongly implied that of Mike Michaud in a recent ad of his...) so turnabout is more than fair play. Here I can't help but be reminded of Collins' friend, Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut who lost the Democratic Primary to Ned Lamont but, not taking the hint, ran anyway as an Independent. (And yes, still won.)