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Going Rogue! (Yeah, I Went There...)

When I heard what LucasFilms' first "anthology" film (a word I still prefer to "story") would be, I had my doubts for the following reasons:  Unlike more diehard Star Wars fans, I really couldn't get into the "Rogue Squadron" series of novels as largely the characters we all knew and loved had nothing to do with them.  Subconsciously, in the early days of rumors, I'm sure I thought that's what the movie was about on some level but the new characters bit is still applicable.  Then I heard it wouldn't have Jedi (Donnie Yen's character, Chirrut Îmwe, being a Guardian of The Wills instead is pretty much semantics by the way but lets overlook that for now...) I wondered how it would be different than a Han Solo movie since he's the stereotypical "average guy" established so far in the universe.

Rogue One allayed my concerns pretty quickly, however.  Felicity Jones' Jyn Erso was not a smuggler and I did not find myself thinking "She's a female Han Solo" nor was she "Mara Jade without a lightsaber."  The family dynamic, both with her father and Saw Gerrara, certainly helped the differentiation.

K-2SO was an awesome combination of C-3PO and R2-D2.  I fully believe that if R2 was translated, most of Alan Tudyk's improvised dialogue would be what he said... (Incidentally, the Rebel Alliance possessed a lot of stolen black armor in this movie. Them pulling off that massive a raid on a Intelligence facility seems unlikely so I'm guessing it was just collected over time via various skirmishes? Also, I don't recall seeing the tan "Desert Trooper" armor before; is that new?)

Whether Chirrut Imwe was a Jedi or not is debatable but did anyone else wish he called someone "Grasshopper" at least once?

Diego Luna's Cassian Andor was the most unique character to me. The best comparison I can think of is a slightly more conflicted Poe Dameron but the fact I can't think of a "classic" character is intriguing to me...

Those who know me, know I love a good heist movie so it's not surprising the plot was right up my alley...

Random Questions/Comments

1. I know Vader's "volcano castle" was based off a design by Ralph MacQuarrie but was that supposed to be Mustafar?   Never mind...

2. In the same way Guy Henry played Tarkin simply becaue he had played a young Peter Cushing before, I'm surprised Billie Lourde didnt play her mother in that final scene. Slap a brunette wig on her and, with the hood, they probably could have used less CGI touch up...                


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