Saw Jackie this weekend and I have enough thoughts that I required a blog post. I really don't know how much of this story is true or just the screenwriter's imagination. The fact Billy Crudup's character who comes to interview her (which is the framework for the movie) is only known "The Journalist" only confuses the issue...
Jackie's efforts to preserve Kennedy's legacy reminded me of Yoko Ono post-assassination of John Lennon. (I'm not sure what the political equivalent of The Beatles would be but I'm fairly confident she didn't break them up...) In the movie, Jackie and Bobby are in the ambulance transporting JFK's body and Jackie asks the nurse and the driver who James Garfield, William McKinley and Abraham Lincoln were. They didn't recognize the first two names which seemingly gave Jackie the idea of copying the Lincoln funeral procession. She even picked the exact spot she felt her husband should be buried at Arlington.
I also had thoughts of the interview Caroline Kennedy had on Today a few weeks or so back with Matt Laur, who isn't the journalist he thinks he is, basically got pantsed. At the time I though it was all "Kennedy Mystique" but then cousin, and seasoned journalist, Maria Shriver is thrown off by the word "penis" and I see this movie and I realize it's not just her father's genes... (I love the scene in the movie, by the way, where Caroline asks her mother when her father is coming home and Jackie tells her he went to heaven to be with baby Patrick so he wouldn't be alone...)
This thought may be a little out there but: I also wonder if Melania Trump will turn out to be the next "Jackie." The Crown, in it's second season, I think, will put forth the notion Kennedy was jealous of Jackie's global popularity. The potential for a repeat of this is obvious. Conservatives hate Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama because they were not content to hold teas and promote literacy. (To me first ladies and literacy is analogous to beauty pageant contestants and world peace.) They actually went out and attempted to influence policy. The fact Melania wasn't born in the US and therefore can't run isn't lost on me... Of course it's still early. Melania may be the next Nancy Reagan...
Growing up, my parents had the soundtrack to the 1968 movie version of the musical Camelot so I was happy that this song was included in the movie...
Jackie's efforts to preserve Kennedy's legacy reminded me of Yoko Ono post-assassination of John Lennon. (I'm not sure what the political equivalent of The Beatles would be but I'm fairly confident she didn't break them up...) In the movie, Jackie and Bobby are in the ambulance transporting JFK's body and Jackie asks the nurse and the driver who James Garfield, William McKinley and Abraham Lincoln were. They didn't recognize the first two names which seemingly gave Jackie the idea of copying the Lincoln funeral procession. She even picked the exact spot she felt her husband should be buried at Arlington.
I also had thoughts of the interview Caroline Kennedy had on Today a few weeks or so back with Matt Laur, who isn't the journalist he thinks he is, basically got pantsed. At the time I though it was all "Kennedy Mystique" but then cousin, and seasoned journalist, Maria Shriver is thrown off by the word "penis" and I see this movie and I realize it's not just her father's genes... (I love the scene in the movie, by the way, where Caroline asks her mother when her father is coming home and Jackie tells her he went to heaven to be with baby Patrick so he wouldn't be alone...)
This thought may be a little out there but: I also wonder if Melania Trump will turn out to be the next "Jackie." The Crown, in it's second season, I think, will put forth the notion Kennedy was jealous of Jackie's global popularity. The potential for a repeat of this is obvious. Conservatives hate Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama because they were not content to hold teas and promote literacy. (To me first ladies and literacy is analogous to beauty pageant contestants and world peace.) They actually went out and attempted to influence policy. The fact Melania wasn't born in the US and therefore can't run isn't lost on me... Of course it's still early. Melania may be the next Nancy Reagan...
Growing up, my parents had the soundtrack to the 1968 movie version of the musical Camelot so I was happy that this song was included in the movie...