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The Whole World Is Waiting For You

Wonder Woman  is the first real critical hit for the DC film universe.  It can't be ignored that star Gal Gadot and director Patty Jenkins gave us the Diana we remembered and loved. What's not widely known is Zack Snyder, who directed 2 of the previous 3 DC films, helped write the script. When  Man of Steel  came out, he was not shy in admitting he thought Superman was a really boring character and gave us a version of the character that didn't immediately know what he was doing as he's been portrayed on screen for the last fifty years. From a film perspective, this does make for a more compelling character but from the comic nerd perspective, it still enrages people to this day despite the fact you finally see the vision by the time  Batman v. Superman  came out... 

My point is Snyder apparently does not hold the same criticism with Wonder Woman. It is true that, unlike Superman, she's always been portrayed as a bit fish out of water and unsure of her next move. (Note: this isn't always bluntly stressed but I've noticed it anyway.) Was sexism involved in this differentiation? Maybe not entirely consciously, but most certainly. Does Diana sometimes hold on to her gut feeling and do what she feels is right even when others try to deter her? Hell yeah she does but that just makes her human. She was trained to be the ultimate warrior but would that be entirely possible if she didn't have empathy for those she was sworn to protect? Personally, I don't believe so.

The supporting cast was great.  Chris Pine was practically just doing his Jim Kirk as Steve Trevor but the thing is, that did not feel off at all. I have never noticed the similarities before until I was hit over the head with it here... I can't recall when his secretary, Etta Candy has not been fun comic relief  and Lucy Davis' version here is no exception.  

Some say comic book movies are only as good as their villains. Ares was great. (I'm not going to mention the actor as that's a decent mystery in the movie.)  He had the need to prove to his father Zeus that the creation of Man was a mistake even if Zeus was already dead...

This leads me to my nitpicks.  Ares killed ALL the gods? I could sort of buy that if it was Hades, being one of The Big Three but Ares? Is this the writers way to move on from the mythological aspects in sequels? If so, I find this short sighted.  I thought this film pulled off that aspect better than the  Thor  franchise. The rumors of the Amazons being Kryptonian seem to be thankfully false. That would have been a huge mistake.

Though the story flowed well without it, I miss the version where Diana secretly enters The Contest to determine the island champion to save Man's World.  Also, since they aren't really aliens, I can certainly understand  how the invisible jet would be super out of place on an island without tech but they would have  gotten to London so much quicker... (Was I the only one kinda weirded out by her flying commercial in  Batman v. Superman?)     

Also, what about that picture of her WWI friends make her flashback to like 10-15 years BEFORE the events in the picture? (I did LOVE the scenes with Little Diana though...)

Here's to DC finally finding their footing!              


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