It's all come down to this. The Defenders event series did what they purported to do. Introduced 4 separate characters and successfully combined them into fight a bigger evil. Or did they? The Hand was an obvious choice of a villain given their history spans time and their reach spans the globe. One thing I had trouble with at first was The Five Fingers of The Hand was comprised of a North American, South American, African and two Asians. Why no Europeans? It seriously did not occur to me the two "Americans" probably left K'un L'un prior to the discovery of the New World until later. I'm disappointed in myself... (Incidentally, these original creations are the closest Marvel equivalent to DC's Ra's Al-Ghul or Vandal Savage I can think of which I find a bit mind twisting...)
There's a debate going on just how much of the previous series you actually need to see to understand what's going on. Just Daredevil season 2? Both seasons? Both seasons AND Iron Fist? While yes, I think you could get away with not watching Iron Fist, here's what I feel you'd miss: while you've heard of The Hand, you really don't know much about who they are and you certainly never heard of K'un L'un. Also, most importantly to me, you would not see the growth of Danny Rand (which probably could have been more complete at the end of the event than it was but so much better than nothing. Surprisingly still no suit!) One thing we all agree is you don't need to see Luke Cage or Jessica Jones which is too bad considering those are the two series I feel are most accessible to non-comic but still mild-science fiction fans. (I'm looking at you Sense8...) Defenders easily could have made the Hand front of Midland Circle Financial the previously-mentioned IGH to solve that problem but maybe Luke and Jessica just stumbling into things is more realistic somehow? Is there any such thing as too many Easter Eggs?
Yes, we've seen DC crossovers on The CW but this was different and I really feel not just because of the bigger budget. I've admitted before I'm more of a Marvel fan but I don't feel that is totally at play here. Binge this now!
1. I feel most of Krysten Ritter's lines as Jessica were ad libbed and she was hilarious. Best comic relief of all the Netflix Marvel series so far.
2. Jessica's friend Malcolm was also more interesting sober. I look forward to exploring this more in the next season of that show.
3. I'm glad this season didn't end with Matt and Elektra on a beach somewhere or even in Japan...
There's a debate going on just how much of the previous series you actually need to see to understand what's going on. Just Daredevil season 2? Both seasons? Both seasons AND Iron Fist? While yes, I think you could get away with not watching Iron Fist, here's what I feel you'd miss: while you've heard of The Hand, you really don't know much about who they are and you certainly never heard of K'un L'un. Also, most importantly to me, you would not see the growth of Danny Rand (which probably could have been more complete at the end of the event than it was but so much better than nothing. Surprisingly still no suit!) One thing we all agree is you don't need to see Luke Cage or Jessica Jones which is too bad considering those are the two series I feel are most accessible to non-comic but still mild-science fiction fans. (I'm looking at you Sense8...) Defenders easily could have made the Hand front of Midland Circle Financial the previously-mentioned IGH to solve that problem but maybe Luke and Jessica just stumbling into things is more realistic somehow? Is there any such thing as too many Easter Eggs?
Yes, we've seen DC crossovers on The CW but this was different and I really feel not just because of the bigger budget. I've admitted before I'm more of a Marvel fan but I don't feel that is totally at play here. Binge this now!
1. I feel most of Krysten Ritter's lines as Jessica were ad libbed and she was hilarious. Best comic relief of all the Netflix Marvel series so far.
2. Jessica's friend Malcolm was also more interesting sober. I look forward to exploring this more in the next season of that show.
3. I'm glad this season didn't end with Matt and Elektra on a beach somewhere or even in Japan...