Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi is definitely in the running for best Star Wars movie. While Rogue One may, arguably, be the most original movie yet, this was the most original of the so-called "Skywalker Saga" to date and truly believe that's what really matters to general audiences. (I did not hear the line "I have a bad feeling about this." the entire movie. I wonder if that elicited nerd rage?) I loved how Rian Johnson combined elements of Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, the prequel trilogy (Luke actually referred to Palpatine as Darth Siddious! Suck it nerds!)
I love how the new Big Three of Rey, Poe and Finn aren't straight adaptations of Luke, Leia and Han. Hell, all three remind me in some ways of Han. Was he the most relatable original character? I already noticed this about Rey in The Force Awakens but this movie definitely added at least some more depth to Poe and Finn.
After The Force Awakens, two big questions that fans had were what's Snoke's deal and who Rey's parents? After this movie, our answers seem to be who cares and we still don't know but they must be important or they'd just tell us, right? She isn't a Sky.walker (unless created in a lab from Anakin's DNA..)
I suspected going in that Luke would die in this movie. After Han died in the last movie, I suspected this and then Leia would finally get the chance to kick ass in Episode 9; lightsaber-style. The books notion she focused on politics instead seemed lame and perhaps even sexist. Now, with Carrie's untimely death, bringing JJ Abrams back to focus solely on the new trio, and bring it full circle, or at least bookended, seems like a good call.
My Favorite Moments:
1. Luke telling Yoda's ghost, "I'm gonna burn that tree and you can't stop me!" and then Yoda shrugs and hits it with a lightning bolt.... (In the window of a business, there was a sign that said something like "A Merry Christmas You Will Have" and I said to my mother that he wouldn't be in this movie. I'm so pleased to be wrong!
2. Chewie busting down the door to Luke's hut.
3. Chewie and the Porgs. I knew they be better than the Gungan Warriors but better than Ewoks? Seemed impossible.
4. Rey telling Leia that she felt Luke dying and Leia giving her the "No shit." look.
5. The "Mother and Child (Force) Reunion" between Leia and Ben.
I love how the new Big Three of Rey, Poe and Finn aren't straight adaptations of Luke, Leia and Han. Hell, all three remind me in some ways of Han. Was he the most relatable original character? I already noticed this about Rey in The Force Awakens but this movie definitely added at least some more depth to Poe and Finn.
After The Force Awakens, two big questions that fans had were what's Snoke's deal and who Rey's parents? After this movie, our answers seem to be who cares and we still don't know but they must be important or they'd just tell us, right? She isn't a Sky.walker (unless created in a lab from Anakin's DNA..)
I suspected going in that Luke would die in this movie. After Han died in the last movie, I suspected this and then Leia would finally get the chance to kick ass in Episode 9; lightsaber-style. The books notion she focused on politics instead seemed lame and perhaps even sexist. Now, with Carrie's untimely death, bringing JJ Abrams back to focus solely on the new trio, and bring it full circle, or at least bookended, seems like a good call.
My Favorite Moments:
1. Luke telling Yoda's ghost, "I'm gonna burn that tree and you can't stop me!" and then Yoda shrugs and hits it with a lightning bolt.... (In the window of a business, there was a sign that said something like "A Merry Christmas You Will Have" and I said to my mother that he wouldn't be in this movie. I'm so pleased to be wrong!
2. Chewie busting down the door to Luke's hut.
3. Chewie and the Porgs. I knew they be better than the Gungan Warriors but better than Ewoks? Seemed impossible.
4. Rey telling Leia that she felt Luke dying and Leia giving her the "No shit." look.
5. The "Mother and Child (Force) Reunion" between Leia and Ben.