I have begun taking care of the dog. It's been almost three hours since they left and I think things are settling down. (He has finally at any rate.) It's a good thing too because I didn't know how much more of him just staring at me I could stand... Yes, it is confusing for most creatures if guests arrive and your family leaves instead but getting into a staring contest with a dog gets so boring quickly...
This should be good overall. They have a scanner so I can put some of my old writings on disk. Woo hoo!
A quiz:
Take it: "Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You? "

Ta me air meisce
Ta me air meisce - 'I am drunk.'You enjoy a drink - or five - now and then. You can usually be found in a pub - it doesn't matter which one, because they all look the same after a few drinks - or hugging the porcelain.
I have never drank until I threw up. Drank until I blackout in the bushes with a copy of Batman and Robin in my hand, yes, but not 'til I threw up...
This should be good overall. They have a scanner so I can put some of my old writings on disk. Woo hoo!
A quiz:
Take it: "Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You? "

Ta me air meisce
Ta me air meisce - 'I am drunk.'You enjoy a drink - or five - now and then. You can usually be found in a pub - it doesn't matter which one, because they all look the same after a few drinks - or hugging the porcelain.
I have never drank until I threw up. Drank until I blackout in the bushes with a copy of Batman and Robin in my hand, yes, but not 'til I threw up...